Chapter 13: Ouch...

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So me and my cousin have decided to try and become young writers. We've decided that we are going to try and publish a book and send it off to a printing company. Let us know what you think of our idea. Tweet me or message me on here. @1DsNation_ Abs xxxxXxxxx


I woke up to my alarm going off. It was time for me to go and pick Rhys up from the airport. I cant wait to see him. I was a little nervous though. Maybe he's changed and doesn't find my jokes funny anymore. Maybe I've changed?! Well if any of us have then we will find out today. I got up and ran upstairs to get ready as it was now 8 o'clock in the morning.

When I came back down Niall was still asleep. I tried to wake him up but he's a heavy sleeper and likes to sleep. There was only one way to wake him up. Food. It always wakes him up. I ran into the kitchen and leaned on the desktop.


I have never seen someone wake up so fast to the word 'food'. He ran to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"what? I heard there was food going round"

I fell to the floor and laughed my head off! Niall looked down at me and had a confused look on his face. He latched onto what I was laughing at after realising there was no food there. I had a cramp in my stomach where I laughed so hard.

"wow! I have never, ever, in my life seen someone move so fast from being asleep!"

He tickled me and gave me even more of a cramp. It was painful, but a good pain.

"That's what you get for teasing me with food."

After re-picturing the image into my head, I burst out again. This time he joked with me instead of at me.

"sorry, it was the only way I could wake you up. Come on. You have to get ready cause were going down to the airport soon."

"Airport? what for? where you going?"

I only told him this last night and he had already forgotten. Haha simple mind, but I love him.

"to pick my brother up? remember he's coming here to stay."

"oh yeah. I got lost in my thoughts cause I'm constantly thinking of you"

"CHEESY! But cute"

I shoved him up the stairs whilst I got ready my self. Rhys wanted picking up at 9:30 so I only had an hour and a half to make myself look decent. I didn't want to look scruffy after not seeing him for 2 years.


We got into the car and Niall was driving because I couldn't be bothered to drive. It was 9 and it was way too early for me to be driving. If I did drive then I would probably end up falling asleep and crashing the car.

We had half and hour to get there and I didn't live to far away from the airport so we could be there in a short time.

"Niall, are you nervous about meeting him?"

"No. He's your brother and I'm sure he's going to be just as nice as you are"

"Thanks, cause I am. I'm really nervous. I'm scared he's changed"

"I doubt that. Your his big sister. It should be him nervous about meeting you. Not the other way round. Babe just trust me, everything is going to be fine"

"Okay, I trust you"


Niall was right. I'm not the one who should be nervous. One thing, I'm sure about is being nervous about meeting his girlfriend. Was she going to be good enough for him through my eyes? I do hope she's treating him well otherwise me and her are going to fall out and then it will cause problems.

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