Chapter 11: Wrapped Up

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I really really struggled writing this chapter cause I didn't know what to write, but I tried my hardest. Much Love Abs xxxxXxxxx


The best person I could turn to was my brother, he always manages to help me through times like this. I needed someone to tell. Someone that I could blurt this all to without telling and Rhys was my best option. I could have chosen Keira but Rhys was a boy so he would know how to help me.

I was still driving to my house when my phone started ringing. Caller ID: Dad. I have to explain to him why I walked out the house without telling him. I answered and put it on hands free.


"Darlin' why did you run out without telling me? I panicked and I had to get Keira to tell me. She said you had something important to do and it couldn't wait. Whats wrong?"

"Sorry dad, I just had to go and see Harry quickly. It was really important and no Keira's right, it couldn't wait. Dad I'm driving at the moment, can I call you back later?"

"Sure, I'll speak to you later then?"

"Yeah, bye, Love you"

I didn't even wait for him to answer. I just hung up. I needed to call Rhys, but I'll do that later. I arrived and parked in my drive. I got out the car to find Niall sitting on my doorstep. I stood there and tried to put on a smile but he knew something was wrong. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his shoulders and hugged him tight. He coo'ed me over and over until I calmed down. He was saying things to me and his voice was so quiet and reassuring.

"Come on, lets get you inside and we can talk"

We walked inside and he had his arm around my shoulders. He told me to sit down whilst he wondered off to the kitchen. I grabbed the blanket that was on my sofa and pulled it over me.

Niall walked in with 2 mugs of hot chocolate and got inside the blanket with me. I laid there in his arms with a blanket around us and a hot chocolate in my hands. As I was leaning on his chest when he breathed I could feel every movement.

"So whats happened then babe? You can tell me anything and you know that right"

"Yeah, I just don't know how to say it to you."

"Oh no. Your not breaking up with me are you" His voice cracked

"No! no way! I love you way to much for that. Its just..... Harry"

"HARRY?! Why what's he done? If he's hurt you...." I cut him off

"No, he hasn't hurt me. He just said some things I was a little shocked by"

"such as?..."

"Well dont get mad at him when I tell you but first of all he said he loves me and he couldn't hold his feelings back. Second he said I mean the world to him. I didn't know what to say to him Niall so I just pulled him into a hug. I promise you nothing else happened apart from a hug. He started crying and I couldn't just sit there and let him cry could I? I told him though that I was with you and I couldn't be with him"

"He did what?! He told you he loved you! He's gonna get it big time! He knows your my girlfriend and he goes for you. I can't believe my own band mate fancies my girlfriend. I understand the hug, but as long as it didn't go any further. I'm really protective over you because I don't want anyone else to have you. At least you told him you couldn't be with him, but I still need to have a few words with him."

I put my arms around his waist and hugged him tight. He put his arms around me and leaned his head on mine. This is only one of the things I love about him. He doesn't go crazy if I give someone a friendly hug.

We laid there for more than 10 minutes just talking about things. I remembered I had to call Rhys some time soon, but I couldn't be bothered to move.

"Niall, I have to call my brother in a minute. I'm going to invite him round to stay for a week or so"

"I didn't know you had a brother babe"

"He lives in America, so I havn't seen him in a few years. Do you wanna stay round as well for a few nights as well?"

"Sure, I'll do anything to spend more time with you"

"okay. I'll give him a call in a minute. Right now im too comfy"

I wrapped the blanket round us even more and rested my head on his chest.


Sorry it's only short but I have a lot on my mind at the moment. I'll upload again soon. Much Love Abs xxxxXxxxx

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