Chapter 8: Suspicions

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This is the next chapter. It's not going to be the best of them all but thats because I want to finish this story. Whilst I upload mine you should check out my cousins story. Its sooo dramatic and its a 1D fanfic. Her username is Keiraabelle_ :D. Much Love Abs xxxxXxxxx


I didn't win the game of twister because my dad fell on me. Typical. He cheated and fell on me. He did this weird happy 'victory dance' as he calls it after. I just gave him a concerned look and walked over to the table again.

Pagan came and sat on my lap again and we nearly broke the chair. I told him to sit still otherwise it will break. Keira, Lilly and my dad looked at me strangely because I was talking to a dog. I guess they had a good reason to look at me like that then.

I picked up my phone and I had 1 message from Harry. Couldn't he just leave me alone? I read the message and my face dropped.

My dad came over to me and asked if I was OK?

"You alright darlin'? I saw your face drop and I was wondering if you needed someone to talk to"

"Thanks dad but I'm fine, Harry keeps messaging me. That's all"

My dad gave me a nod and got up.

"Well shout to me if you need me"

"Thanks dad, I will"

Lilly came over and sat next to me. Harley jumped on her lap and Lilly stoked behind her ears. Looks like they had become best friends already. She put her hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

"I can see you and Harley are getting on well then?" I looked at her and she looked at me confused. I pointed to Harley on her lap and she laughed.

"Yeah she's a good dog, she's really friendly and loves a cuddle. Liam keeps texting me and asking how I am. I keep telling him I'm fine"

"He cares about you. A guy like him is worth holding onto"

She didnt reply and had a smile on her face.

I looked down at my feet. I guess I better text Harry back. How can he do this to me? Not now?! My life was perfect with Niall.

He text me saying:

No, nothings happened betweened me and Niall. I just wanted to tell you something and I wanted you to hear it. I can't hold it in anymore. I've fallen in love with you! The first time I saw you I thought you was absolutely stunning! I don't want Niall to know I'm texting you because I know he will go crazy at me for saying this. I just need to know if you love me back, please say you do.

Love Harry xx

I don't love him! I was pretty sure about that! Yeah he's alright looking but I'm with Niall. I dont know whether I should tell Niall or not. I don't want to make things hard between him and Harry. They were in the same band for christ sakes!

I'm old enough to deal with this myself. I have to tell Harry I don't love him otherwise this will never end and Harry will keep texting me for an answer.  I text him back saying:

Harry listen to me. Don't do this. You know I'm with Niall and I love him more than anything. I'm sorry but I don't love you back. At the moment my relationship with Niall is perfect and I don't want to mess it up. I also don't want to cause an argument between you and him. He's the only one for me. Sorry.

I put my phone down and pretended nothing had happened. I went back over to the twister game and challenged Keira. Maybe this will cheer me up a bit.


Oooooooo so Harry's fallen in love. What d'ya guys think of it? Comment and let me know :D Much Love Abs xxxxXxxxx

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