Chapter 15: SHE'S MINE (Nialls P.O.V)

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Okay guys so this will be from Niall's point of view. Its not going to be the best of chapters because I didn't plan this one out. It's also just written from mind. Enjoy :) Abs xxxxXxxxx


She looks so peaceful laying their in the bed so silently. I can't believe I let this happen to her. I should have been by her side to protect her every single second! I blame myself for Abs being in here, if I was with her I would have been able to stop whoever hit her. I will find out who hit her and they will be warned.

I'm so glad Rhys was there to help her when I couldn't get to her. Don't get me wrong I love our fans so much but they need to let me get through when my girlfriend is on the floor. I think after this me and Rhys will be more like buddies instead of complete strangers to each other which is good because Abs wants us to be close and not argue. He seems like a nice guy as well and I havn't really spoken to his girlfriend Emily but she seems nice as well. After all she did check us in and help out with this situation.

I was sitting next to her keeping hold of her hand and I didnt want to let go. If I let go I would feel like I'm letting go of her forever and not just for a couple of minutes. Rhys walked in with Emily and 3 hot chocolates. He looked at me and then back to Abs. He passed me the hot chocolate and sat down on the other side of her. I got a little protective and squeezed her hand. I don't know why Rhys is Abs' brother so I have nothing to be protective over.

It was all quiet and peaceful when the doors of the room slammed open.

"Where is she?! Is she okay? What happened?! Let me see her and don't try to stop me!" It was Keira. Behind her followed Lilly and two adults. I think they were Abs' parents because they both looked very worried.

I can't blame her for panicking, after all they were cousins and so close.

"Keira please, she's asleep. She doesn't need to be woken up right now. All she needs is sleep and peace" I tried to tell her but she came running over and totally ignored me. She leant down next to her and took Rhys' seat.

I stood up. I didn't want to walk away from her but I had to talk to her parents.

"Hi, I'm Niall, Abs' boyfriend. Nice to meet you but at a bad time and place" I wanted to introduce myself so I didn't seem like a bad person and get someone else to explain who I was.

"Hi the name's Frances but please call me Fran and this is Kevin Abs' dad" we shook hands and her dad starting eyeing me up. It was kind of weird being looked at but he was probably checking to see if I was good enough for her. It's what all fathers do, they like to make sure their daughters are safe, which I can understand.

I offered them my seat and they took them kindly. I walked round the other side and pulled up a chair next to Keira. She was in tears. I pulled her into a hug and tried to comfort her but nothing was working. What Keira really needed was Lou. The reason he isn't here is because he doesn't know and he would probably feel awkward not knowing anyone but me and Keira.

"So whats happened? What's wrong" Her mum looked at me and then to Rhys.

"Well basically she was hit at the airport when we were picking Rhys up and fell to the floor. I couldn't get over to her because the fans were in front of me. I tried to get past but there was a lot of them. Anyway luckily Rhys was near by and managed to get over to Abs quickly. I took over from Rhys when I got over and took her out to the car. We immediately drove here and Emily checked us in. After that she was taken out of my arms and into the X-Ray room. Once she was X-Rayed they brought her into here and settled her down. She spoke a little but then fell straight to sleep and we havn't heard from her since. The doctors havn't told us what was wrong with her but we can definitely tell she's broken her leg" I caught my breathe and looked back to Abs.

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