Chapter 9: Discussions

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I really struggled writing this chapter guys, so sorry if its not that good. Much Love xxxxXxxxx


Haha so I won the twister challenge. I'm the king at this game and no one was taking my trophy away from me. I was feeling competetive so I would have asked to challenge Lilly if my phone didn't start ringing.


"Hi" Oh no. He couldn't wait

"Harry want do you want?"

It went silent for a minute and I could tell I had hurt him with that tone of voice.

"I just wanted to hear your voice"

"Harry, not now. I...." He cut me off

"Yes now! I really do like you Abbi and I know your with Niall but if you could only give me a chance to prove that I'm better for you than him"

"Harry i cant believe you said that! Niall is the only boy I love. Don't ruin this Harry. Don't ruin our friendship, can't we just move on from this and get things back to the way they were?"

"Yes but please just for a couple of mins come and meet me at the park, so I can explain myself"

"But your in a recording studio? Your doing the new single. Once you've finished text me and I'll come so you can explain this to me. Face to face!"

With that I hung up on him and put my phone back on the table. I realised I had just said all of that in front of Lilly and Keira. My dad was in the kitchen so I guess he heard as well.

"Abs? What was that all about?" Keira said to me and started walking over.

My eyes were filling up with Tears and I couldn't hold them back. I ran to her and she embraced me in her arms. Lilly rushed over to us and cuddled me as well. I cried into Keira's shoulder and then turned to cry into Lilly's. These girls were always my shoulders to cry on.

My dad was standing behind me with open arms. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. My dad shhed me and tried to calm me down. I didn't know why I was crying though. It was Harry. I can't be crying over Harry. He'll find a girl soon and then he'll forget about me hopefully.

I asked my dad if we could all sit down and watch a film to try and calm myself down. He agreed and went out in the hallway to choose a film. I sat down with Lilly and Keira on either side and four dogs piled on top of us. Pagan on one leg and Spud on my other, Lilly had Harley and Keira had Lucifer. He kept licking Keira and she kept trying to dodge them.

"Oh did I tell you we call him the licking machine because he loves giving kisses and recieving them"

I laughed and Keira gave me a straight face. I knew she was getting annoyed so I decided to remain quiet and stroke Pagans Head and Spud's body.

My dad came in with a film he knew I loved. He choose the film step brothers. I loved this film. It was so funny. Keira was the one who introduced it to me and since then I've trusted her with lots of films.

Keira was on her phone texting Louis and Lilly on her's Texting Liam. I wanted to text Niall but I wanted him to text me first so I knew I wouldn't be disturbing him. He must have read my mind or something because as soon as I thought this I recieved a text from him.

Hey babe, are you ok? We've just finished the song and it sounded amazing. I can't wait until I next see you so I can have you in my arms again and I can give you a special kiss. I miss you already. I love you xxx

My eyes started to swell up again and I had to hold them back. I text Niall back almost instantly I needed him and him only.

Hey babe. I suppose I'm okay. Glad the song is finished. Can't wait to hear it! I could do with a hug from you, I miss you so much. I love you. xxx

I sent the message and turned my head to face the TV screen.

I got another text off Niall and 1 from Harry

Niall's text read:

awww baby girl, I miss you more. I'll see you when you get home xxx

Niall was such a sweet boy. I'm glad he was mine. Then I had to read the text Harry sent. It read:

okay so we've finished the song which means you can come and see me now so I can explain how I really feel about you. Harry xx

I did say I would go and see him after work so I text him back saying:

Alright, tell me the place and time. I'll be there as soon as I can and you best have a good explanation for taking me away from my dad!

I was getting annoyed with Harry now so I stormed up the hall way. I didn't say anything to my dad, Keira or Lilly just simply walked out the living room and up to the door. I heard Lilly and Keira calling my name but I just ignored them and carried on walking. Keira grabbed my arm and stopped me just as I opened the door

"Where are you going? You havn't told us anything about leaving or where your going or who your going to be with? Abbi what's going on? You've been acting a bit strange lately and I know something's wrong"

That was the first time she'd called me by my real name in ages. This was when I knew she was being serious.

"I just have to go and see Harry quickly and get this sorted. He said he needs to explain something to me and I want to know what."

"okay, well at least text me when you want to leave and I'll come and pick you up"

I walked out the door and grabbed my car keys. As I was 18 I could drive. I drove to the destination where Harry asked to meet and waited for him. He asked to meet in the cafe down brighton pier. I don't know why he wanted to meet so far away from where we both actually were. This cafe was the one where I first got talking to Niall and I got his number and it had some good memories in it.

I sat down and ordered one hot chocolate and a sandwhich. It was quiet in here but then some fans of the boys walked by the window and saw me in there. They walked in and came up to me asking questions.

"your Niall's girlfriend?.... Is Niall coming here?....Are you meeting him today?.... Can I have his number?..."

"girls I'm kind of busy at the moment"

"can we at least get a picture with you?"

This was weird. Girls were asking me for a picture. I gave them a picture and sat down again. They walked out and I was sat alone again waiting for Harry.

He walked through the door and sat down with me.

"So what do you want to tell me...?"


Left it on a cliff hanger for ya. Next chapter will be up soon. Comment, rate and even become a fan? Enjoy :p Much Love Abs xxxxXxxxx

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