Chapter Twelve - The Sick

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       I could feel the symptoms of royal fever worsen and close in on my vital organs.  As far as anyone knew, the disease wasn't deadly.  Although, I had other thoughts on that theory.  It was the first time I actually felt like I had no air supply.  Usually, even though I wasn't actually breathing, I would still have plenty of air.  Today I guess, decided to be different. 
       I had been laid next to Caspan, who had also fallen ill with royal fever, originally but she had already broken free of the sickness.  She isn't allowed to visit though.  I don't know if the doctors know I can hear them, because I can.  I've heard them talking about us, the sick that is.  They keep saying that the sick that have been under for a week will be considered 'brain dead'. 
       I've been under for six days.  If I didn't wake up by tomorrow I would pretty much be dead in their eyes.  I had to break free!  I just had to!  But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't.  It was no use.  The sickness just went away when it felt like it.  I was lucky because I had a clock in sight.  It read 10:00 P.M.  Oh no.  My last chance was coming to quick, but it's not like I could sleep to forget about it! 
       I did my best to ignore the clock but I just couldn't.  It's constant ticking kept reminding me of what little time I had left.  Tick.  One second gone.  Tock.  Another second gone.  Over and over again.  My mind raced to find an escape to the spell I was under but failed once again.  I couldn't give up though.  Or could I?  Wouldn't it just be easier to give in to the sickness?  I wasn't going to make it out anyways, so why even try?  It wasn't worth it.  Nothing would come of try-.
       My thoughts were cut off by a loud crashing noise.  Silhouettes of people dashed into the hospital wing with more behind them.  I heard guns fires and saw bodies drop to the ground, limply.  I guessed it was guards against whoever.  I heard people yelling when the intruders retreated.
       Someone, I think it was Hansel,  came over to me with an injection of sorts, in his hand.  He glanced at the other guards for approval but I couldn't see their response.  I wondered why they were all by me and not by the other sick girls.  Then it hit me.  I was the only one still under.  Hansel brought the needle of the injection to my neck and plunged it in. 
       Then, all in a rush, my vision blurred and my eyes darted around the room.  I felt my chest move to let in air and my heart start steadily thumping again.  My limbs became mine again and I could move them again.  I let out a screech which sent the guards under a layer of worry.  They rushed to me to help but what could they do?  Besides, I didn't want them to do anything!  The injection was the cure!  But before I could do anything, say anything I fell into darkness once again. 

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