What are you doing here ?

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Alexandria P.O.V

'' What are you doing here ??'' I asked the brunette. 

'' I came here to help.'' She answered as she strolled further into the room.

'' Why ?? Your a psychotic bitch who only cares about herself.'' Damon told her as he circled her.

'' I maybe a psychotic bitch Damon but when Alex's children are involved i'm not. Alex is like a sister to me and I am not having some witch take her family away from her.'' Katherine snarled at my brother. I smiled at the girl, after everything she has done, I still love her. Katherine is family to me and always has been even if she can be a bitch.

'' Do you really think we are going to believe anything that comes out of your mouth sweetheart ?'' Klaus questioned, his eyes filled with anger due to an incident that happened nearly 500 years ago.

'' I believe her.'' I spoke up. Everybody turned to me shock, even Katherine.

'' Ria you can't be serious ??'' Damon asked in a pissed tone.

'' I am serious Damon. Katherine and me were inseparable in 1864, she was my sister. Katherine wants to help, let her help.'' I told him as I looked at the doppleganger with a smile, she showed gratitude with her signature wink.

'' Stefan, talk some sense into your sister.'' Klaus said still astonished by my relationship with Katherine. Stefan didn't speak, he just kept looking at Katherine.

'' Stefan.'' Damon whispered giving him a nudge. Stefan looked away from Katherine and laid his eyes upon me.

'' Ria is right Damon. Katherine and her would do anything for each other. That's why we didn't involve her in the plan to kill Katherine back at the Lockwood ball. Also Katherine isn't lying.''

'' Wait, you two were the ones who snapped my neck at the ball ?'' I asked them.

'' Maybe.'' Damon said not looking directly at me.

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now