Ch. 2

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I know I'm not a likeable person. That's the way I like it. And so yeah, I know what I'm doing is wrong. I'm not an idiot. But I figure, if Cat's dumb enough to fall for it, she deserves it. No one should be that naive.

I watch her as we walk outside to our table. She's been chattering nonstop the whole way here. I'm not sure about what exactly. Puppies and butterflies probably. I don't get her. I get most people, their motivations, their passions, their weaknesses, but her... I don't know. She's either ridiculously complicated or ridiculously simple. I don't care enough to find out.

But enough. We're at the table, and it's showtime. I feel a pulse of anger when I see Beck cosying up to Tori. Cheating bastard! Okay, so we weren't technically together anymore, but still. I smile at Cat and she grins back. The table's gone quiet, Andre, Robbie and Tori staring at us, Beck with suspicion in his eyes. I trained that boy well. We squeeze in between Andre and Robbie, opposite of Tori and Beck. I keep my hand holding Cat's. Her hand is soft and warm, not all sweaty and tough like Beck's get. She's like a baby bird. I feel like I could snap her so easily.

Robbie chews his lip, looking between us. "Um... Cat... why are you holding Jade's hand?"

"Yeah, what's going on here?" Pipes in Rex. God I hate that puppet.

Cat looks at our joined hands for a second. "Oh. We're dating." She says it exuberantly. I can't fathom that girl's stupidity. It's like she doesn't even realize that people don't feel exactly the way she feels, that some people might not like it.

"For real?" Says Andre. I think I could almost like him if he wasn't friends with Tori. Too bad.

"Yeah. Deal with it." I smirk, grabbing Cat's face roughly and turning her towards me. I kiss her hard, possessively, and she squeaks, surprised, but doesn't pull away. I hear a clatter of forks, which is odd, because nobody was using a fork that I could see, but it had the desired effect. I pull away, Cat's lips swollen and her eyes dreamy and I smirk at Beck.

"Jade, can I talk to you? Now."

This was working even better than I thought it would. I smile tightly at Tori, gloating, and let Cat's hand go. She's blissfully unaware of what's going on, focussed on her lunch. I look back as Beck steers me away, and she's touching her lips lightly, smiling.

"What are you doing?" I look back to Beck, shaking his hand off my arm.

"What do you mean?" I say innocently.

He sighs. "You know what I mean. Why are you doing this to Cat?"

"Doing what? Going out with her? She's sweet."

Beck stares at me. "I know. You hate sweet." He runs a hand through his hair, exasperated. "Look, I know you're upset about us, but you don't have to hurt Cat."

I feel this tight ball of anger expand inside me. "I don't know what you're talking about. Look, you've moved on with Tori, and I've moved on with Cat." My voice comes out bitter.

Beck grabs my shoulders. "You're not even gay Jade!"

I shrug him off angrily, "Yeah, well maybe you've put me off men."

"That's bullshit." He says quietly, folding his arms.

"Look, if you're that jealous-"

"I'm not jealous. I just don't want to see Cat get hurt because you're upset. It's not fair Jade."

I smile tightly. "Life isn't fair Beck."

He looks at me like he doesn't know me. Which is stupid, because he knows this is exactly the sort of thing I'd do. "Whatever. Let's just go back to lunch." He shakes his head and walks away, and I follow after a moment, a hint of a smile tugging at my lips.

Cat looks up at me as I slip in beside her, her eyes lighting up. I force a smile, taking her hand. I keep my eyes on Beck all lunch, leaning into Cat whenever he looks over at us. At least she's easy to train. She doesn't seem to mind anything I do to her. I can feel Beck's eyes on us as the bell chimes, and I tug Cat back to me, stopping her from going into the school. I pull her close to me, whispering into her ear, my eyes on Beck as he hesitates, Tori yanking him forward impatiently.

"Really? Won't we get in trouble if we skip?" He follows Tori reluctantly, and I turn my gaze back to Cat.

"Oh come on. Be bad, Cat." I flick my eyebrows up at her. Beck is definitely gonna notice we're not in class.

She shifts on her feet uneasily. "I don't know..."

I fight back a groan of exasperation. "We'll get candy..." I say teasingly.

She's like a child, the way her face lights up. "Yay! You're so nice Jade!" She leans up and kisses me lightly, and it catches me by surprise. I blink a few times, trying to regain my composure.

"Uh, let's go to my car." I tug on her hand, walking towards the carpark. I try to ignore the fact that's Cat's literally bouncing alongside me, jerking on my hand. I feel like an idiot, like we're night and day, side by side. But it's working. I saw how Beck looked at me. And if he thinks I'm really with her... he'll drop Tori like a bad habit.

At least I'm not in school. It'd be better if Cat wasn't here, but it sort of defeats the purpose. If it she ever shuts up, it should be alright. She's pretty enough to look at, at least. She's like a frickin' dolphin, chattering on and on. I don't even know what she's talking about. I don't even think she knows. But her voice is like the ocean. It's easy enough to drown out. That's the good thing about going to a school like Hollywood Arts. People's voices are mostly nice and musical, and you can ignore them. They don't grate into your ears. She has so much damn emotion in her voice though. I stop in front of my car, shushing her. "Look, if you're good and quiet, I'll get you whatever candy you want, okay?"

She nods eagerly. "That's what my Dad says!"

I raise an eyebrow. "You've got a smart Dad."

She smiles and pinches her index finger and thumb together, running it across her lips like a zipper. I climb into the car, relishing the silence. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.


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