Ch. 28

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"...And they had so many flavours but they said I could only pick two, because it was a two scoop, and I wanted the bubblegum and the cookie dough, but they had rocky road and mango as well and then I saw they had sorbet, and then they made me leave for holding the customers up, and now I'm not allowed to go back there."

I look over at Cat, taking my eyes off the road, the sky dim and overcast. Her stories are... unique, to say the least, and usually devastating, but she always tells them with a smile, like they're nothing. I don't know whether it's an act or not or whether she is actually completely unperturbed by this stuff. Maybe she's just gotten used to it. She smiles at me brightly as I quickly scan my eyes over her. She seems fine... maybe it's just me. I can't help but read into everything she says... I'm making her something she's not. Sure, she exaggerates her irreverence, her cheerfulness to hide the cracks, but she is genuinely an optimistic person. Just not when it comes to herself. She's accepted those 'facts' about herself; that she's worthless, that she's unlovable, and it makes it a lot harder to change. She believes them, and she's okay with them. It's me who's not okay with it.

I pull into my driveway, brakes squealing a little. Cat unbuckles her seatbelt eagerly, practically bouncing while I struggle with mine. Cat's hand snakes over, pushing the release, the belt retracting as she grins at me. I smile back, Cat leaning over and kissing me lightly before pulling away. She opens the car door, climbing out, while I sit there for a moment, a smile at the corner of my lips. I shake my head, clambering out and making my way to the front door. Cat squeals as it starts to rain, cold drops spattering over us as I fumble with the keys. It's coming down heavy, a wet roar that drowns out all other noise. I get the door open, turning to Cat. Her head is tilted back, tongue stuck out and eyes closed, her arms stretched out wide, palms turned out. I've said she's like a child, and... I admire that about her. Sure, she feels everything so much, so strongly, but I forgot that doesn't just apply to the bad things, it applies to the good things as well, the simple joy that kids can feel, even from the tiniest things. It's beautiful. "Come on, you're gonna get soaked." I say to her in a soft voice, holding out my hand. Cat opens her eyes, smiling radiantly at me. She takes my hand, skin wet and slippery on mine, her fingers lacing themselves between mine, and I pull her forward. I wipe a drop off her cheek, Cat beaming and bringing her lips to me, her mouth wet and slightly cold, tasting of rain. Cat's tongue runs along my bottom lip, and I pull away to take a breath, grinning at her, my eyes running over her form. "We should really get you out of those wet clothes."

Cat smirks at me, and it's odd to see such a look on her... it's almost seductive. "Why'd you think I was standing in the rain?"

I raise an eyebrow at her. Frankly... I just... I'm impressed. I'm stunned. More than anything though, I'm turned on. Even more so now that I know exactly how good fucking her can be. I'm thankful my parents are at work, because although my skin is chill and wet, Cat's lit a fire in me already.

I lead Cat to my room, her fingers filling the spaces between mine, little droplets of rain dripping from us. To be quite honest, I didn't plan this. I honestly didn't. I mean sure, I'd hoped, but I wasn't going to push her. I just wanted to spend the day with her, no matter what we did. It was the same way with Beck. When I love someone, I really love them. I spend as much time as I can with them. With Beck, I was always scared to leave him alone, because what if, in that time, he found someone better? With Cat, I'm not worried about that. There's no one better for Cat than me. I can see why, I can see why she needs me, why I'm the one for her. With Beck, I couldn't see that, I couldn't see how I was special, couldn't see why he'd be with me. But with Cat? I see her. I see what she really is, and no one else does that, no one else has tried. And maybe that's why she's always liked me, because she knew that I saw her, and I still talked to her, still treated her like a friend, even knowing there was something wrong with her, even if I didn't know what at the time. Even if I didn't care enough to find out then.

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