Ch. 7

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It's infatuation. That's all. It's from not being with Beck. My body misses it, craves it. It's become accustomed to his touches, so it's natural that my body would respond that way. I haven't been touched in a while... that way, so I'm more sensitive than usual. I just have to watch myself, not lose control. Now that I'm aware it should make it easier to not lose myself. Like now. I'm aware that her hand is warm, and soft, and that I like holding it, but it's just physical. It's nice, but it's just a sensation. My focus should be on Beck. I smile; I know that scares him. He looks concerned, not even bothering to hide his glances at us.

I hold her hand as we sit in Sikowitz's class, Cat's chair scooted up closer to mine. It's funny, her hand never seems to get sweaty, or clammy, or dry. It's just... it's soft, and warm, and smooth.

"Jade!" Sikowitz yells dramatically, pointing at me. I tear my eyes away from Beck. "I choose you!"

I roll my eyes, standing, letting go of Cat's hand. "For what?"

Sikowitz looks confused for a moment, his eyes skittering around the room. "For... a skit! Choose your partner!"

I look down at Cat and she smiles, jumping up. "And the other!"

I smile evilly. This is turning out perfect. I'm liking Sikowitz more and more. "Beck."

Beck's eyes narrow, but he stands, going to the stage. Cat and I join him, Cat bouncing on her toes with eagerness. Sikowitz stands in front of us grandly, gesturing to the class. "Words, people, ideas!" He booms.

Some fangirl wearing a popular t-shirt raises her hand. I scoff, because we... we don't do that here, we just yell. "Vampires!" She screeches. A girl opposite her wearing a similar t-shirt glares at her, her own hand shooting up. "Werewolves!" Well, they've got the yelling part down. It's been this way for a while. Always werewolves and vampires. I blame the industry. But at the very least, it makes improv a lot easier. It's not so improvised if you know what's coming. Sikowitz gives us five minutes to prepare. I have an idea half-formed in my head, and I let it swirl around for a moment, pieces sliding into place. Since Sikowitz picked me, I get to do the scenario. Cat and Beck do what I tell them to, play who I say they play. They have to come up with their own lines though. I huddle with Cat and Beck, discussing the idea, and I draw Cat aside for a minute as Beck walks to his side of the stage, his lips moving absently as he thinks what to say. I explain the idea a little more fully, tell Cat what to do, and she nods, focused.

"So you're a vampire?" He raises an eyebrow sceptically, half-facing the class. "Yeah right."

"You don't believe me?" I say with a silky smile. "Silly boy." I run a finger down his face, stroking his cheek. I smile wider, seeing Tori lean forward from the corner of my eye. Two birds, one stone.

Beck scoffs, still in character. "Prove it."

I smirk at him, and the class. "You want proof? It's well known that vampires can seduce their victims. It's quite... stimulating." I run my hand down his arm, leaning closer to him. "Let me show you..." I say in a stage whisper, bringing my lips close to his ear.

"Jade..." Beck whispers, looking worried, "What are you-"

I cut him off with a laugh, turning to Cat. "Hi." I say in a flirty voice, lacing my hands behind my back.

She smiles uncertainly, in character. "Uh hi. Do I know you?"

I move closer to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Would you like to?" I keep my voice low, husky, transfixing her with a stare.

She glances at my hand on her shoulder. "Why are you... oh. You're really pretty, y'know..." Her face goes blank as she trails off, and I grin. She's good. I pull her to me roughly, Cat staying limp. I stroke her hair, turning to Beck, Cat still in my arms. Cat keeps a dreamy expression on her face, her hands wandering over me slowly.

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