Ch. 21

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We're in a booth. Of course. We just had to go somewhere with a booth. Despite there being plenty of room, Cat's snug beside me, the length of her thigh pressed against mine. Not that I mind, it's just... distracting, to say the least. Actually, being so close to her is turning out to be great. Every time she turns to talk to me, we're almost kissing, our faces just inches apart, and I love seeing how awkward it's making Tori feel. It's worth the tension and the teasing to see Tori squirm.

There's something about Tori I just don't like. I don't know... it's like she thinks she's better than everyone, just not as obviously as Trina. I'm not even sure if she realises she thinks that way, God knows she denies it every time I accuse her. Plus there's the way she treats Cat. Cat... Cat loves her. Frankly, I'm more than a little jealous. I know I shouldn't be, but ever since Tori started coming here, I've been envious of how her and Cat just clicked. Back when I looked at Cat like she was some kind of pet, a mascot for me to treat as I saw fit. It was hypocritical really, to be angry at Tori for mistreating Cat, for yelling at her, for speaking to her harshly, after all, she was just following everyone else's lead. It was funny really, I wanted my spineless little Cat to stand up against her, to defend herself, but why would she do that with Tori, someone who actually treated her like she mattered, if she wouldn't do that with me?

Tori's not nearly as good as she thinks she is. Give her enough time, and she could be just like me. Just like I was.

"So what movie did you guys see?" Cat questions Tori and Andre, Andre perusing the menu.

"Dance Hard 2: Break It Down. I invited Beck as well, but he didn't want to come." Tori answers.

I smile sweetly. "I wonder why that is?"

"Was it good?" Chirps Cat.

Andre looks up from the menu. "It was okay. Not as good as the first one. What'd you two see?"

Cat looks at me questioningly and I let a small smile slip through. She's already forgotten the name of it. "Rip Snort." I answer.

Andre grins. "Ooo, I heard there's this scene where this guy gets his eye gouged out with a corkscrew!"

I nod. "Oh yeah."

"Who picked it out?" Tori interrupts, raising an eyebrow at me. I smirk as Cat raises her hand, surprise crossing Tori's face. "R-really?"

"Uh huh." Cat nods.

Tori frowns. "But... I thought you didn't like scary movies."

Cat snuggles into me, smiling slyly and looking up at me. "Oh... it wasn't so scary."

I've had a smile on my face this entire time, and I can tell it's freaking Tori out. I may not like her all that much, but she does amuse me to no end.

Andre sets the menu down. "I'm gonna get the chicken wings." He says, grinning.

That's one thing I like about Andre. He stays out of other people's business... for the most part. Tori's the nosy one, the one who has to know everything.

I excuse myself from the table, telling Cat to just order me whatever she's getting, and head to the bathroom. I like sitting that close to her, I really do, but I need a little room to breathe, need a little space to calm down. Plus, you know, I actually legitimately have to go the the bathroom.

When I open the door to the stall, exiting it, Tori's standing near the sinks, trying to pretend she's actually doing something. I ignore her, going to wash my hands, and she turns to me uncomfortably, crossing and uncrossing her arms.

"Jade... we have to talk." She says uneasily.

"Oh. Do we?" I say nonchalantly, soaping up my hands.

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