Ch. 20

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"...And then I was like, 'What if the whole sky is just like a massive join-the-dots?' So I tried to join them but I kept losing track of which ones I joined, and then I started making the stars make dogs and ponies. And then I thought, what if you joined all the dots, right, and that was God? Like, that was what God looked like; all the stars in the universe joined up, you know?"

I raise an eyebrow at Cat as she gestures, chattering away as we enter the movie theatre. "No, I really, really don't." Cat's smile falters and I amend my statement. "But it's an interesting theory."

Cat's smile returns, growing wider, and she squeezes my hand. "You really think so?" And actually, it is pretty interesting. I mean, the concept is pretty childish, and really, it doesn't make sense at all, but Cat's enthusiasm, her creativity... it makes it sound pretty interesting. It might not be the best idea, but it's original, and that's a rare thing, especially with religion.

I nod absentmindedly, scanning the list of movies that are showing. "What'd you want to see?"

"Ooh! That one!" Cat bounces up and down, pointing at a title.

I squint. "Rip Snort?" I look at her doubtfully. "It's a horror one Cat."

Cat nods. "I know."

"You're sure?" Perhaps against my better judgement, I'm not going to try too hard to talk her out of it. It's actually one I've been wanting to see. I didn't mention it to Cat because, well... she doesn't seem like the horror type... she seems more like the cowering-in-fear type. But she's surprised me before, and if there's one thing I'm trying (and only partially succeeding) to do, it's to stop making snap judgements about who she is. It's easy to pigeonhole her, but she's not a pigeon, and she's never gonna fit neatly into some assumption I make.

"Uh huh. That one."

"Okay. Let's get the tickets then." I hand the scrawny ticket guy the cash. He looks about as enthusiastic to be working here as I would. A smirk spreads across his face as he notices our joined hands, and I fight to stop myself from saying something involving the words, 'Fuck' and 'You' and 'Pervert' to his pimply face. I'm still pushing down my anger as Cat stops, tugging on my hand and making me face her. I try to shake away my fuming. "What is it?"

Cat looks down at the ground for a moment. "Is this a date?"

I should feel insulted, really. I thought I was doing pretty well at imitating a normal relationship, dating being a part of that. "I thought it was. Why?"

Cat smiles softly, squeezing my hand. "It's just really nice, is all."

Ugh. There's that urge again; the one that wants to hug her until she explodes. I lead her over to the concession stand, trying to distract her and calm my racing heart. Cat's naming things so fast I can't follow her, and somehow we end up with an arm full of candy and a huge popcorn and there's nothing left in my wallet. We sit in the back row of the mostly empty theatre, Cat immediately opening a pack of skittles with glee. She pauses after a mouthful, looking over at me. "Do you want some?"

"I'm fine Cat."

She waggles the bag in my face. "Come on Jade! Taste the rainbow!" She giggles to herself, and I smile faintly, taking a handful.

"Thanks Cat."

The lights dim and Cat shushes me, putting a finger to her lips. "Shh! It's starting."

I suppress the urge to roll my eyes, instead hunkering down in my seat and getting ready to watch the movie.

It's a classic movie. Well, a classic B-movie anyway. Don't get me wrong, I love classic movies. Hell, one of my favourite films is All About Eve, but those movies you actually have to watch. Sometimes you just need a cheesy slasher to laugh at.

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