Ch. 24

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I drop Cat home after school. Something's on her mind, I can tell... she didn't talk my ear off in the car, for one thing. She walks up the path to her door slowly, while I follow. I admit, I may be admiring the view a little. I haven't told her what I talked about with Beck. It's not that I don't want to... it's just... I can't put any strain on our relationship. I know that Cat'd just say that I should go back to Beck, that I'd be better off with him and I'd be back to where I started with her. I've made progress, I have, but it's fragile. I've never had to work so much on a relationship in my life, and it makes me wonder why I'm trying this hard.

Cat unlocks her door, hesitating before turning to me. "Do... do you wanna come in?"

I smile before pausing. "Are your parents home?" I can't bear to see them. I won't be able to contain myself.

The hopeful smile on her face falters. "N-no, they uh... they went to see a show with my brother."

"Oh. Why didn't you go?"

Cat bites her lip, looking away. "I... I didn't want to."

She's lying. I know, I can see the hurt on her face. They didn't ask her. Fuck. It's a damn good thing they aren't here. I choose to let it go, but it's there, it's filed away in 'Things to Kick Cat's Parents' Asses For', and that file's getting pretty damn full.

I put my arm around her, smiling. "Sure, I'll come in. On one condition."

Cat tilts her head in confusion. "What?"

I can see she's still upset, and I steel myself, feeling the very core of me rebel against what I'm about to do. I'm just... I'm not a cheery person. It's not me. "That you smile." I touch her nose with a fingertip. Ugh. My soul did not like that. But it's worth it when a smile does spread across her face and she giggles.

"Jade! That was so lame."

I shrug as we head inside. "It worked, didn't it?"

I settle down on Cat's sofa. "So what time are your parents getting back?" I ask, examining a china elephant on the coffee table. Cat rifles through her DVD collection, speaking over her shoulder.

"They're... they're not. They're coming back tomorrow." She stands, turning towards me. "The show they went to see was too far away, so they're staying in a motel." Cat opens the DVD case, turning back to the TV and stooping to put it in.

Douchebags. I can't stop myself. "They just left you here by yourself?"

Cat sits beside me, shrugging. "It's okay. I'm... I'm a grown up now. I can take care of myself."

I stare at her. "No. No you can't."

Cat's eyebrows turn up. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Crap. It's so hard to tread carefully, especially when I'm this pissed at her parents. "I just meant you're supposed to be a kid. You shouldn't have to be a grown up. They shouldn't have left you here alone."

Cat smiles softly. "But I'm not alone. You're here!" Cat leans forward, picking up the remote, and I take the chance to study her. It's definitely not something she would've said before. I have made progress. Not that I was doubting it or anything, it's just... it's a case of two steps forward, one step back.

I watch with interest as the movie starts. "What are we watching?"

"Beauty And The Beast." Cat grins at me, setting the remote down. Her eyebrows furrow. "That's okay, isn't it? I can change it if you want."

I shake my head reassuringly. "It's fine." I don't actually mind old Disney movies. You can actually watch them, no... it's all the shit they force kids to watch these days that I hate. People gave kids more credit back then, now they just treat them like dumb-asses, and everyone's too scared about offending someone to put anything real in. Besides, I've always the liked the idea of redemption. I always identified with Beast, and how it took someone as pure as Belle to make him human, to show him love.

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