Ch. 3

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"Mmm, this is really good Jade!" Cat gushed, popping another piece of candy into her mouth. I nodded absently, picking at my nails. At least she was easy to please. I took her to a park I like. It's quiet, and most of the plants are dead, so no annoying kids. Too much green hurts my eyes. We sit on a picnic table, my back resting against the table part, Cat's legs on either side of the seat so she can face me.

I take a piece of the candy, some blue drop thing, I think, and suck on it. I think it's blueberry, well, what passes for blueberry in candy. "Ooo, show me your tongue!"

I roll my eyes, and stick my tongue out. Cat squeals. "It's blue!"

I snort, "Of course it is!"

She sticks her tongue at me. "'at 'olour's 'ine?"

I have to admit, even though she's extremely annoying, she is kind of adorable. "Red."

She grins. "Let's make purple!" Cat leans forward, kissing me quickly, and I freeze. It still feels weird - I'm so used to Beck's lips, and Cat's are so soft and full. It's like kissing a marshmallow. In texture and in taste. Cat pulls back. "Sorry... was it gross? Do you not like purple?"

I shake my head. "No... you just... caught me by surprise."

Cat smiles uncertainly. "You're sure?"

I nod, drawing her face to me. I know it wasn't exactly part of the plan... kissing her when Beck isn't around, but I figure what's the harm? I might not like being around her, but I like kissing her.

Although to be fair, I've never hated Cat. Doesn't mean I like her... just that I don't hate her. Maybe it's because I can't figure her out. She's so sensitive, and childlike... and yet sometimes... it's like there's something darker underneath. That's why I don't give her as much of a hard time as some people... I know she wouldn't be able to take it. I mean, come on, I'm not evil. I'm just mean.

I saw her in a play last year. I don't really remember much of it, but I remember her in it. She played this girl who tries to kill herself, and totally fucks her life up. I remember because she was so good. Too good. I told her that, and she just looked at me before smiling and thanking me. It seemed sort of suspicious to me. Cat doesn't understand a lot of things, and she's not afraid to ask, even though it makes her look stupid. But she didn't ask me what I meant by that.

So Cat's perfect. For my purposes, I mean. She's easy to manipulate, and she doesn't make me sick. And it helps that she's a good kisser. She just throws herself into it completely. It's sort of overwhelming, and it's so different from Beck. I'm reminded of this when my hands move to her waist, and it's slim, womanly curves I'm tracing instead of hard muscle. She smiles into the kiss, and it takes me by surprise. People don't smile when you kiss them. People shouldn't do that... Beck didn't do that. It's Cat who breaks the kiss, pulling back with a little smile on her face. She nods, satisfied, tracing a finger over my lips. "Mm. Purple."

I'm surprised to find I'm slightly turned on. An unexpected side effect of the plan. Pleasant, but unexpected. I look back out to the park, Cat still gasping over each piece of candy, and I cross my legs, jogging my foot impatiently. I sneak a glance at my phone, checking the time. Cat falls silent, and I look over. She licks her lips, her tongue a rainbow. "It's... it's nice here."

I nod, surveying the park. I always thought the dead trees gave it a stark sort of beauty. "Yeah. It's peaceful."

"It's sad that the trees are dead. Do you think it hurt them? When they died, I mean." I glance at her, and her face is serious, her eyebrows furrowed as she studies the trees, twirling a strand of ruby hair around her finger. "Was it... quick? Did they know they were dying?"

I snap my fingers in front of her face. "Cat, hey Cat! Come on," She blinks a few times.

"Sorry." Her hand strays to the empty bag, and she scrabbles for a moment. "Aw. All gone." She pouts, and I frown at her for a moment. Where did she go just then? Wherever it was, it was dark. It was... like me, almost.

"What's with you Cat?" If I'm going to pretend to date her, I need to know she isn't gonna freak out on me randomly. Plus... I'm actually kind of curious. Not that I'd admit it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She blurts, her eyes shiny with tears, and I'm taken aback. The girl's insane. She's high one minute and down the next. This is why I don't make fun of her as much. Because people always take the side of the crying girl. She can't seem to realise what's a joke and what's not.

"Cat... I just meant you're... never mind." I huff, exasperated. I can't stand tears. They're weak. People just use them to manipulate you, to make you feel sorry for them. But I'm not sure about Cat's... in fact, I'm not sure about Cat in general. What does she want? Everybody wants something from someone else, but I can't figure out what it is with her. Screw it, I don't care enough to get bogged down in her motivations.

She gasps, pointing excitedly. "Oh look! A squirrel!" She giggles, bouncing up and down and shaking the seat.

"Hey! Don't do that! You'll get a splinter." I growl, uncrossing my legs.

"Oh... but Jade look! He's so- ow." She freezes. "Ow... owwie!" I sigh heavily. I could've told her that short shorts and splintery benches don't match, but I made the mistake of thinking she wasn't an idiot.

"Come on. Turn around." I stand up wearily as she braces herself on the table, standing. I hunker down near her thighs, running my fingers along the tan flesh.

"Jade... why are you being so nice?"

I grunt, still searching for the splinter. She has really nice thighs. All smooth and firm. "What do you mean?"

She flinches as I find the splinter, buried shallowly in the back of her thigh. It isn't deep, but it's nearly all the way under. It's gonna be hard to get a grip on. "I-I mean... if Tori got a splinter you'd be laughing."

I grin fiercely at the image, studying the shard of wood. "Yeah, well... I don't hate you." I get a grip on the splinter, pinching it between my nails. I draw it out quickly, and Cat twitches, but it's done. I give her a comforting pat on the leg before standing again. "Got it."

"Can I see it?"

I take her hand, dropping the splinter into it. She frowns, wagging a finger at it. "Bad splinter. Don't hurt people! Why would you do that?" She tosses it away before turning to me. This is what I mean... she's like a child... but now her face is all coy and serious, and she looks the opposite of a baby. "I like it when you say that."

"Say what?"

Her mouth twists and she looks at the ground. "That you don't hate me."

She is some kind of fucked up to be getting comfort from that. But I guess coming from me, it's pretty high praise. Still though, it's not right. It's times like this most people would get all mushy and comforting. But that's not how I work. Mush and me do not mix. So I settle for putting a hand on her shoulder. It seems to be enough, and she smiles, moving to kiss me lightly. She lets out a little sigh after, resting her forehead against mine, and her breath is sweet on my face. "I like this too."

At least that's something we can both agree on, even if it might be for different reasons. I kiss her again, harder, and I hear her take a sharp breath. Her taste... it's almost addictive. It's teasing and sweet... and I don't know if it's entirely the candy. I run my tongue along her lips and she gasps, pressing into me. I use the opportunity to satisfy my curiosity, sliding my tongue into her mouth. The taste is stronger, and I touch her tongue lightly. It's not just the candy, I think... it's her. I pull back, satisfied, and I have to smirk at the dreamy look on her face. "I really like that." She murmurs, grinning at me. My smirk gets a little wider.

I pull out my phone, checking the time. "We should go. If we wanna make it for Sikowitz's class."

"'Kay 'kay."

She skips after me and I groan internally. Why can't that girl ever walk anywhere?


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