Ch. 8

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Cat seemed distracted when I said goodbye, and I waved my hand in front of her. We were the last ones in the classroom. She hadn't even noticed the bell chiming. She'd been even more spacey than usual. "Hey! Are you okay?" I snapped my fingers and Cat jumped.

"I... I'm just think-y is all." Cat says pensively, chewing her lip.

"Think-y about what?" I say, playing along. I'm still in a good mood from the skit.

She doesn't smile, looking away. "Just... stuff."

I furrow my brow, unconvinced. But hey, I tried, which is more than I ever do. Especially when I couldn't give a shit. "Okay... well, I'll see you tomorrow." I give her a quick kiss and she jumps, her lips unmoving against mine. I frown, shaking my head dismissively. I've never seen her so serious. Just when I think I know how she works... even to the tiniest degree, she does a complete turnabout. I leave Cat in the classroom, still deep in thought, and walk down the empty halls. As I exit the main doors, a hand catches my wrist and I turn, raising a clenched fist.

"Whoa, Jade! Calm down. It's me, Beck." He holds his hands up defensively, knowing full well that I would punch him. I've done it before. Under less provocation, too.

"What do you want?"

He shrugs. "I just wanna talk."

I smile sweetly. "Okay. You've got five minutes." I cross my arms, looking impatient.

Beck runs a hand through his dark hair, sighing. "I think... I think maybe we made a mistake."

I feel my heart start to beat faster, but I keep my face slightly irritated. He continues nervously. "I think we both made mistakes... handled things wrong."

I raise an eyebrow. "So you think we should get back together?" I can't stop my voice from trembling a little.

"Yes. No. I... I don't know. I miss you Jade-"

I cut him off, kissing him, and he hesitates for a moment before responding, his strong arms wrapping around me, holding me. But something's wrong. I try to stifle it by kissing him harder, pulling his lean body into me, but he feels it too, pulling back.

He takes a deep breath before speaking. "I love you Jade... but I'm not sure if I'm still in love with you."

"That's bullshit!" I snarl. "That's a fucking excuse... you either want me or you don't!" I hate my temper, it's always making me say things I'll regret. Better to bottle things up, to play the neutral card... but that's just not me, and Beck knows it, ignoring my outburst.

He studies me closely, realisation crossing his face. "Do you love her?" Beck says softly, trying to look in my eyes.

I don't bother to answer, he should realise what a stupid question it is. I move to kiss him again but he stops me, a hand on my shoulder. "I- I need time Jade. Please... just give me time."

"What, so you can fuck Tori some more?" I hiss, pulling away from him and shrugging his hands off me.

"No... I'm going to break up with her. We're... not right for each other."

I grin smugly. "How much time will that take?"

He sighs heavily. "I don't know. Just... time. I need to figure out some stuff. About us." He kisses my forehead and walks away, and for once I wish he'd stay for a whole goddamn conversation.

I mean, we're practically back together but he keeps resisting, keeps fighting it. What's so wrong with me? Okay, so I have a temper. Okay, so I'm not the nicest person in the world, but he already knew all that stuff about me before. I haven't changed, so why has he?

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