chap 1

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No one's pov

One day at a world meeting, the was full of chaos,
Were only two countries that were quiet.

Russia and america

England's pov

" look at that git, sleeping on the table unbelievable!" I said, " Ahh but Angelterre, why don't you do something about it? " chuckled the bloody frog. "Shut up you frog, I'm thinking of what spell I should cast on him." I started to think of many ways to make America's life a living hell, ' I got it !' I smirked at my plan. I snickered and walked to the bloody git.

At first I was thinking on casting a spell on Russia, but on second thought no he's scary as hell! I began to cast my spell on America, he started to get smaller and smaller. He grew the small tail and ears of a hamster and he was the size of one too! I carefully picked him up and put him in Russia's coat pocket, then I ran off to my chair. I snickered, I would love to see America's face when he wakes up! My thoughts were interrupted by an angry German " meeting is over everyone is dismissed! " he yelled. Everyone started to pack up their things and left. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Russia's pov

I woke up to countries packing their things, I got up and started to pack my thing's too and I was about to leave until I saw America's things were still here. " That capitalist pig left his things. He's probably ran off to a fast food restaurant to stuff his face with those disgusting burgers of his." I sigh " at least he could have taken his things with him, I'll call him went I get home." I collected his things and left to go to my homeland.

Time skip

I finally arrived at home, my big empty home. I was all alone, my sisters don't live me anymore and the Baltics A/N: is that how you spell it? have gotten their freedom all because of America. I put my hand In my coat pocket to grab my phone, but I grabbed soft but squishy. I stood still thinking ' what the hell?!' I grabbed the unknown thing and threw it to my dresser. I was shocked of not what it is, but who.

America's pov

I woke up to pain on my head, I opened my eyes and tried to look around but it was too bright. I had to blink real hard to get the spots out of my vision. I looked around and everything seems bigger than me, i started to panic because I don't recognize the area. I turned around and froze. On my head I had two hamster like ears and turned to my side and I see a tail. I realized that Russia is behind me and he looked shocked as well. I started to tear up, he's going to laugh at my weak state right now.

Russia's pov

It was America, he had little ears and a tail. He was the size of a hamster, he's so cute! I saw his eyes and saw tears in them.

I started to panic.
All I wanted to do was comfort him, but he ran off and hid in one of my drawers. All I hear was loud sobbing, I left so I could give him some privacy.

America's pov

I ran as fast as I could to hide from Russia, I jumped into a drawer full of clothes and cried. I bet england did this as a joke to see me cry, he probably did it because I fell asleep in the meeting again. Its not my fault that my country is a mess because of the weather going crazy. I cried and cried until darkness overtook me.

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