chap 2

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Russia's pov

After dinner I went up stairs to get ready for bed.
I started to undress myself. I opened my drawer to see the cutest thing. America was cuddled up to one of my sweat shirts that I use to sleep.  I carefully picked him up and laid him down on my pillow. I start to undress him so he was just in his shirt and boxers, then I removed his glasses and set them on the night stand where his clothes were. I laid down on my bed and let sleep consume me.

America's pov

All I felt was the coldness of the wind that  laid on me as a blanket. 

I woke up and realized that I wasn't in the drawer but on a pillow.
Then I saw that I was only wearing my capitan america t-shirt ' which I say it's the best thing ever' and my black boxers.

I started to shiver because of the lack of warmth and the only way for me to get warm was to get in Russia's scarf which was the only thing that was warm. I crawled towards his face and looked at him better. 

His hair looks like the color of fresh snow and it looked silky to the touch. And his skin was really smooth too. I crawled into his scarf and cuddled into his cheek. " he's so warm." I sigh and fall asleep. 

Russia's pov

I felt the sun's ray hit my face, I knew I had to get up at now.
There was a warmth on my cheek,  I left my head up to see America in my scarf.

I chuckled at his cuteness " America it's time to wake up." He whined " but I don't want to. It's do warm." He said.

I picked him up by the scruff of his shirt and poked him I the stomach. He finally woke up " what now." He pouted. 

He opened his eyes " o-oh  h-hey  r - russia how ya been." He asked nervously.  I put him back down on the pillow , " It's time to get up what would you like for breakfast. " I asked.  He had a thinking face on bur then replied " but don't we have a meeting today?" I looked our the window. All I saw was white, I sighed " were snowed in, I'm going to have to call Germany that I can't make it today or to any other meetings until the snow melts." 

I got up and put on my slippers, I then grabbed america and walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

America's pov

I'm so small! That I fit in Russia's palm, I can't believe I haven't been sat on. As Russia  sets me down on the table then walked to his fridge and took out what he was going to make for breakfast. It was too quiet, so I broke the silence " Hey Russia dude what's your human name?" I asked. He turned around and asked" Why do you want to know ?"

" well as you can see the window on your left, you can see nothing out of the window and oh wait there's more!, I have been reported that were snowed in until who knows when the snow would melt. and since well be here for a while at least we can try to get to know each other." I said .

He rolls his eyes at me " My human name is Ivan. What's yours." The names Alfred but I prefer to be called Al for short." I smiled. He chuckles and turns around to finish his breakfast. Once he's done cooking he comes to the table with his food he sits down. I was wondering where was my breakfast , but I guess I don't eat today then. I looked down and played with my shirt, I felt a tap on my head and I looked up. Ivan had sunflower seeds, a little bit of lettuce, and some meat.

" Here this may be your breakfast since your too small to eat normal food this will do." he set down the items. I crawled to the sunflower seeds and started to eat them. They really are good it calms me down and the lettuce was fresh and crunchy it still had dew on it. Then the meat, the meat was the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. After I was done with' breakfast' I crawled towards Ivan who was still eating. I tugged on his scarf and he looked down at me " Thank you for not laughing at me or throwing me into the snow. That means a lot to me." I said

He gave me a confused look and said " What do you mean throw you into the snow ? I would never do that or laugh at you. Why would you say that?" he said

" Because everyone hates me they make fun of me. How I eat to many burgers, or how I say the dumbest things, or everything that's annoying about me." I said . " The only reason I say the dumbest things is because I grew up too fast, I was always alone in the when I was little. England had to go to his own country and stay there for months or even years. I didn't have many friends I only had one but I don't want to talk about it." I said as tears roll down my face, I wrapped my self in Ivan's scarf and stay there.



I was confused 'why would Alfred tell me about this?' I looked down and saw tears rolling down his cheeks, he wrapped himself in my scarf. I picked up the ball scarf that contained the blonde in it and unwrapped it.

There he was looking down into his lap doing nothing. I tilted his head up so that I could get  better view of his face. Tears were all over the place and flooding his ocean blue eyes that are actually beautiful, his blonde hair that reminded me of sunflowers was messed up and his perfect tan skin that looked like caramel was beautiful on him.

I wiped off all the tears that he had shed and started to scratch be hind his little hamster ears. He leaned into the touch and smiled. It made me happy that I could make him smile. Not one of those fake smiles but a real smile. I sigh " come on lets get you dressed up so we could look for some fire wood, I know were snowed in but I have my ways." I picked up my empty plate with Alfred in my other hand. After washing and putting the plate away I make it up the stairs and into my room.

Alfred's Pov

Ivan set me down on his bed as he was looking for his coat and snow boots. While he was looking for his things I decided to get covered up with the blankets because I was still cold. A little after, he found the things he needed . He was ready to go outside.

" Ivan where's my clothes?" I asked he still didn't hear me so I yelled " Ivan! where's my clothes!" He finally turned around and looked down. " What?" he asked.

" Where's my clothes dude." Ivan went  to his nightstand grabbed whatever it was on it and came back to the bed.

He held out his hand showed me my clothes, "Thank you dude!" I yelled and started to get dressed. After we were dressed up Ivan picked me up and tucked me into his scarf. " uh Ivan why am I in your scarf? I thought I would be in your hand or pocket." He replied " I put you in my scarf so you would not freeze. you are little and can get sick faster." I started to think ' He has a point oh well.' Ivan locked all of his windows and we headed out to the snowy abyss.

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