chapter 6

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Ivans pov

I looked down and stared at my little sunflower. ' How can nobody like him? He's adorable and he brings a warm, happy aura during the world meetings . Well there are other nations that hate him. Always making fun of him, calling him fat, stupid, un-responsible child.'

I guess I zoned out for too long, because my train of thought was broken when I heard hiccups and sniffles.

I looked down to see a sight that broke my heart.

Alfred was crying.

His little form trembled with his cries. As his bottom lip quivered trying to stop the cries that tried to spill out, but failed each time. His ocean blue eyes spilled tears rolling in never ending waves of sadness.

I brought him close to my chest and rubbed his back carefully trying to not hurt him because of his wounded back.

" sunflower, their is no need to cry. I like you very much, I'm sorry that I was quite for too long. Do you forgive me? "

I pull him away and tipped his head back so that i could see his face. His eyes were red and puffy. And his cheeks Stained with tears.

I wiped away his tears and kissed his head. " I forgive you Ivan." I smiled at Alfred. Not one of my childish smile that people are terrified of. A small smile that shows kindness and love.

I scratch behind his little ear, he smiles and leans into my touch. I was able to see his little tail waging as if he was a happy puppy.

" now I think it's time for you to get a nice warm bath hhmm?" I picked him up and carried him to my room for a bath.

Alfred's pov

After 'my bath' which really wasn't since he washed me. Like really can't a man have his privacy once in a while! But any who, Ivan has made me some pj's from old clothes that he doesn't wear anymore. They fitted me perfectly which was weird since he doesn't know my measurements.

I asked him how did he get my measurement right. He replied by saying " it was a lucky guest." he smiled and walked into the bathroom for a quick shower. ' I don't think it was a lucky guess I bet he measured me in my sleep gotta say that was rude. He didn't even ask for my permission!'

After Ivan got dressed we made our way to the living room. " now sunflower I'm going to the kitchen to get us something warm to drink, you stay here." He set me on the couch.

I blushed by the nickname he gave me. " okay Ivan." he nods and heads to the kitchen.

while i was sitting on the couch i hear purring, i thought that was weird since i didn't see a cat when i was brought to his house. out off the corner of my eye i saw something move, i was able to see some color before it disapperd. It was gray with white at the tip, as i stood up and walked around the couch i felt the material dip behind me and the purring louder.

As i turned around i was met with thick, gray fur, i felt something wet and rough on my head. I was then tackled and face planted into the couch.

" Ivan! Help me!" I yell.

Ivans pov

I hear a muffled yell coming from the living room. As realization struck I ran into the living room to check on my sunflower.

As I turned to the couch where I left him was a sight that made me giggle.

On the couch was my cat sputnik grooming alfred. " aww look sunflower he likes you."

He glares at me " why the hell are you laughing, he's going to kill me!"

I smile and sat on the couch next to them. " I laughed because the sight was adorable and he would never kill you he probably thinks you are a kitten. He does get lonely once a while."

He pouts but nods. " what's his name anyway?"

I chuckled. " His name is sputnik."
He smiles." Nice name."

" anyway sunflower the drinks are ready let's go to the kitchen." I grabbed him and set him on my cats back.

He grins. " run like the wind sputnik!" He yells in his southern accent, which I have to say, it's hot.

Sputnik gets up and runs to the kitchen with me close behind.

Hey guys I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. There has been some family emergencies happening. Buts it is over now, I was about to update last week but something came up. Again I'm so sorry guys that I haven't updated in a while.

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