chapter 11

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Everyone has started to pack up their belongings as the meeting was dismissed. Mathew and Ivan sat down as they released a breath of relief. Alfred hoped out of Mathews hand walked around the table. 

" Damn the table looks waaayy bigger like this then my normal height." he said.  Mathew rolled his eyes "no duh Al you're the same size as a hamster for crying out loud!" he said in a playful tone.

Alfred turned around and pouted as he crossed his arms. Ivan similes but then frowns. " I'm sorry to say but I must return to my country. The weather has been bad lately and I have my cat alone at home. I shall return until the weather has calmed down." He said sadly.

Alfred looks up and walks up to him, " it's ok vanya I know how you fell I have a  cat at home as well but he acts more of a dog than a cat. I'll see you soon then." He said as he hugged ivan's finger.

Ivan smiled and kissed his head softly. He stood up and said his goodbyes and left.

Mathew stood up and picked up Alfred an d his bear," looks like you get to spend time with me bro." He smiled.

Alfred nodded," yeah but can we stop by to my house? I would like to get my cat please."

Matt nodded and closed the doors that lead to the meeting room, then headed to the hotel to retrieve his things.

A/n ok sorry for the short chapter I had writers bloc for a bit.... or while. I started on writing on another book I only have like 2 chapters done. I might post them when this story is over. Sorry for the long wait.

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