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      The video is not mine. I just thought it was cute.                                                                                        Hello everyone I've been tagged....again but that's ok because I'm a Weird person who's happy and can see rainbows when I eat chocolate. 

Here are the rules
1. You can't refuse
2.must tag 15 people
3.must post rules
4.say 13 things about yourself
5. Must be in a chapter,  not in the comments

1. I love to draw and read.
2. I have two dogs.  Their names are chato and nugget. ( yeah werid names)
3. I'm a junior in high school.
4. I'm mexican - American.
5. Loves chocolate etc.
6. I'm a slow typer. ( so bear with me with the story updates please.)
7.i hate math.
8. I have an older sister and brother and a little sister.
9.i love history.
10. Music is my life.
11. I'm socially awkward
12. I'm a fun person once you meet me.( or talk to me)
13. I'm a goof ball that would act like a little kid when I have a lot of energy. ( I will talk randomly and change the subject when I speak. I don't know why I do that.)

So yeah this is me... I'm werid aren't i. But that's ok!

So for the people I shall choose for this quest shall be....
















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