chap 4

572 19 1

Alfred's pov

I wake up and stretch. I winced when I felt pain on my back. I looked around and saw that I was back in ivans room.

I noticed that my shirt is covered in blood. I sigh " that was my favorite shirt." I hear a noise from down stairs , " I guess Ivan cleaned me up. I should say thanks." I whispered to myself. I crawl to the edge of the bed and start to climb down.

once I'm at the bottom of the bed I make my way towards the door and crawl through the little crack of the door. I see the stairs and I curse myself, " How the fuck do I get down faster." I look up and see the rail that leads downstairs. My wheels start to turn and I got an idea. I climb up the rail, once I'm up on the rail I slide down.

It gets faster as I go down the rail. " what the hell was I thinking?! This is the dumbest shit I have ever thought of!" I continue to yell which sounded more of a squeak than a yell. I spot Ivan exiting the kitchen and going to the living room. " Ivan!" I yell.

Ivans pov

I turn around to see Alfred sliding down the rail. I grab him before he falls ' what's with him and falling?' I thought to myself. I bring Alfred near my face and I look at him dead in his eyes, " what were you thinking?!" I growled.

Alfred's pov

I flinched ' shit, shit, shit, shit! I'm gonna die!' " hey ivan thanks for the catch." I chuckled nervously.

" Alfred why did you do that." He said.

" um well you see it's a funny story, I woke up and I was in your room so I climbed down from your bed and to the hall way. I looked down to see stairs and if I had to climb down every step it would have taken forever to get down. So I thought to myself, hey if I go down the rail it would be faster to get down stairs. "

He looks at me " it not funny story."

He takes me to the living room and sets me on the couch. "Stay" he said then left.

He comes back with sunflower seeds and sets them next to me. "Eat." He said then sat next to me

I begin to eat one, after I ate ten sunflower seeds I felt full and I crawled to ivan.

Ivans pov

I feel a tug on my coat. I look down to see alfred with his arms up. " want me to hold you?" I asked.

He nods. I grab him and set him on my chest.

" cold" he said as he yawned. I wrapped him in my scarf. " better?". He nods.

" go to sleep okay." I said. He nods and lays his head down.

" I have a question. " he asked.

" what is it?"

" why do you call me sunflower? "

I sigh " I'll you in the morning okay."

He nods and I hear little snores coming from him. I kiss his head " night sunflower. "

Sorry I've been busy with school and I had ideas for more stories for in the future. This story might get slow. I'm sorry about this.

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