chapter 16

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when the little group entered the nice, warm house that smelled like cookies they went to the kitchen to enjoy the cookies. Mathew set the plate of cookies in the center of the table. everyone had at least a drink to dunk their cookie in. Apollo had a bowl of milk as well Kuma, Mathew had a tall glass of milk and as for Alfred he had a bottle cap full of milk.

Apollo got up onto the table and nudged the cookie towards his owner. Mathew tried to help the cat move the cookie towards his bother, Apollo hissed and pawed at Mathew's had clawing him at the same time. Mathew grunted and pulled his hand away. he examined his hand to see a bit of blood leaking out of his cut. He looked up to see Apollo glare at him ' can cats even glare?' he thought.

Alfred started to eat the cookie and feed bits to his pet since it was too large for him to eat alone. Apollo purred as he ate with his owner, he pushed Alfred's cap of milk towards him as in telling him ' you have to drink your milk too' Alfred smiled " thanks
buddy" he said as he starts to drink his milk.

Mathew stares at his brother and the cat, ' they have a weird relationship together. It doesn't even seem like a owner to pet relationship, it's more of a mother and child relationship.', Mathew shakes his head " so how are the cookies Alfred?"

Alfred looks up and his face is covered in chocolate and crumbs " They are the best cookies ever Mattie!" Yelled his brother. Mathew smiled at him. Apollo glares at him and walks over to him. He sits in front of Mathew and stares at him. Mathew looks at him nervously, Apollo slowly pushes his glass of milk with his paw as he looks straight at him off of the table. The glass of milk crashes onto the floor causing milk and glass to splash everywhere.

" Apollo! No! Bad cat!, Mattie I'm so sorry that he did that, he's normally a well behaved cat. Apollo come here boy." Said Alfred. Apollo turns and tilts his head giving his owner an innocent look and walked towards him.

" it's alright Alfred, it was an accident. I'll clean it up wait here."
He heads to the kitchen and wets a rag, ' that cat is out to get me.' He pales.

A/N hey guys I'm sorry that I haven't up dated in months college has been stressful for me and plus I got a new phone so there's that. So I hope you enjoy this chapter guys. I wanted to make it longer but you guys waited long enough.

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