chapter 15

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After the 3 hour rant Mathew started to clean up the living room, he then realized that his brother was not in the room anymore he started to look for him. He sets down the sleeping bear and calls out to him," hey Al you better get out here and stop sulking." he said tiredly. 

He waited for an answer but never got one, Mathew sighs and heads to the kitchen thinking of a way to get his brother's attention. He starts to make chocolate chip cookies knowing that, that is his brother's weakness. Kuma walks in smelling the batter, Mathew turns around and smiles to his bear, " Hey Kuma how was your nap?" he asked. Kuma climbs up  a chair and sits on it staring at Mathew's back. 

" He's gone you know." he said as he continued to stare at Mathew's back. He turned around batter forgotten and stared at his polar bear. " What do you me he's gone Kuma? Who's gone?" he asked confused. 

Kuma gave him a nice long blank stare, " Your brother. He's gone. He left during your rant, saying that he's sorry for being such a disappointment to you. You really messed up back there he was on the verge of tears when you stared to point out his flaws like that." he said as he stared at Mathew's shocked face. 

" Do you know where he went?" he asked, scared that something has happened to his brother. " I'm the worst brother ever!!! Why do i always do that to him." he asked himself. Sensing his owners uneasiness he climbed off of the chair and walked up to him pulling on his pants. " I know where he went. He left through the front door his scent is still there." Mathew picks up kuma and runs out though the front door. 

" Alright Kuma where is he?" he asked nervously the guilt eating him up as he thinks the scenarios about his brother getting hurt or worse since it's really late outside. Kuma walks around sniffing the air  and following the scent. The scent lead him to a tree, he looked up and the scent was stronger but it was tangled up with another scent  that  faintly is familiar. 

" I found him but something else is with him. He is in the tree up there" he points up the tree to a hole. Mathew looks up and starts to panic, he runs to the back of the house and grabs a ladder from the shed and runs back to the front. He sets the ladder on the tree and starts to climb up the tree. He stops once he sees the hole that Kuma was talking about all he saw was white fur everywhere and heard purring. In the center of the white mass was his brother cuddled up to the fur with tear stained cheeks. He feels bad for making his younger brother cry, he slowly reaches into the hole to grab him. 

Apollo's ear twitches by a grunting noise, he opens his eyes and sees a hand trying to grab his owner. He growled and hissed as he gets into a protective stance in front of Alfred. 

The hand stopped moving and was pulled out of the hole quickly, a face replaced where the hand was and stared at the cat. Mathew stared at the cat and recognized the feline as Alfred's pet Apollo. 

" Apollo? what are you doing here?" he asked surprised and confused. 

Apollo growled louder and swiped his paw at Mathew's face, causing Mathew to yelp and almost fall off of the ladder. He regained his footing and glared at the cat, " what the heck was that for!?" he yelled at the cat, causing Apollo to bare his fangs at him and hiss both of them not realizing that the hamster neko has be awoken from his nap and is now staring at them sleep filled eyes not knowing that his brother was there.

Alfred starts to pet Apollo and coos at him," shhh calm down Apollo it's ok."  The cat starts to calm down and purrs loving the pets that his  owner gives him. Alfred looks up and quickly looks down and tries to hide in the felines fur realizing that his brother was outside of the hole. Mathew noticed that his brother was trying to make himself not known from him. He looked at him sadly and sighed.

" Alfie i'm sorry for saying all those mean things to you i was just angry that you tried to put the blame on me. I'm sorry." he apologized. Alfred looked up and sighed, " Look Mattie it really hurt what you said to me like, i look up to you sometimes trying to be the perfect brother to you. But every time i try i fail and i can see in your eyes that i'm an embarrassment to you, that you wish you were not related to me at all." he said sadly. 

" No, no Alfie it's nothing like that it's just.... i'm sorry for treating you so bad their are no words for me to explain how much i feel towards the action i caused earlier. Do you forgive me ?" 

Alfred looks deep into Mathews eyes to see if he is telling the truth, he sighs and nods his head, " Of course i can't hold a grudge against you, You're my brother." 

Mathew smiles a little, " Well i was planning on baking cookies do you want to help?" Alfred smiles," only if i get to eat the cookie dough." Mathew rolls his eyes," yeah you can eat the cookie dough." He starts to climb down the ladder and heads back inside. 

Alfred looks up to his cat, " want to come buddy? I'll even let you eat the cookie dough with me i and i can probably sneak you and snack at night only if you help me out okay?"

Apollo purrs louder and rubs his head on his owner agreeing to the deal that was made. He picked up Alfred by the back of his shirt and made his way into the house. 

A\N; here's a shitty chapter for you guys i rushed it, just trying to update that's all. Happy 4th of July everybody!

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