chapter 9

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We sat at the cafe and spoke for a while, alfred was on his brother's shoulder braiding his hair as he ate a maple leaf shaped cookie that smelled like, you guessed it maple syrup.

Alfred hoped off of mathew ' s shoulder and walked towards me.
" Ivan can you check my back and remove the bandage it's bothering me!" He whined.

Mathew looks at him, confused " what happened to your back alfred?" He asked worried.

Before alfred could answer his brother I cut in," well canada, your brother and I decided to go and get firewood that was outside of my home. Alfred was on my shoulder as I collected the wood, an owl came and grabbed your brother and almost got away with him. But my trusty pipe stop the owl and dropped him." I explained.

Matthew looked down in shock at his brother and grabbed him. " Oh Alfie! You are never leaving my sight ever again!"

Alfred gasped as he was crushed by his brother's hug." M-mattie can't breath!"

Mathew pulled him away and kissed his head," sorry al. It's just you're my baby bro and you are so adorable like this!"

He pinched Alfred's cheeks.

Alfred whined, trying to move the hands away.

I smiled and looked at the clock, 10 minutes till the meeting starts. I sigh and stood up," come along children it's time to go back to the meeting."

They stopped and looked at him with pouts and yelled, " we're not children!"

I giggled and started to walk away as mathew followed with alfred in tow.

A/n, aaayyyyy an update has appeared. Hope you guys enjoy. Sorry if it seems short!

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