chap 7

477 18 1

3 weeks later
Ivans pov
I hear the phone ring and groan, I look down and see alfred curled up on my chest.

I smile ,he's just so aborable I don't want to disrupt his dreams. so I carefully picked him up and set him on my pillow.

I get up and stretched before going to the living room to answer the phone.

Germany ' s pov
It's been weeks since I've called russia. Everyone has been worried about America, he wasn't at his house. The countries were thinking that he was in his apartment that's in New York. I only one who wasn't worried was England.

I decided to call russia to tell him about the world conference that's coming up.

The phone starts to ring until I heard the Russian speak.

" Hello russia speaking, who’s calling?"

" Hallo russia it's me germany. I called to inform you about the world meeting tomorrow that takes place in France. Will you be able to make it?

The line went silent for a bit until he spoke.

" da. I'll be able to make it but I'll be a little late because of the snow."

" alright. Oh and russia I have a question. Have you seen america anywhere or heard from him? We can't get a hold of him. We are worried about him,mostly his older twin... Matthew I think that's his name but have you seen him? We spoke to England about the news but it seems he doesn't care."

On the other side of the line all I can hear is Russia's kol's. It's sent shivers down my spine.

" no I haven't heard from him, but I will call you if I do. Goodbye Germany." And the line went dead.

I sigh and push my hair back. " It's going to a long day tomorrow." I grumble.

Ivans pov
After I spoke to Germany I thought about what he said. " we spoke to England about the news, but it seems he doesn't care."

I growled "how dare england not care about my sunflower. I'll smash his face my pipe da?"
I walked back to my room to see alfred curled up on my pillow holding on to the small blanket I knitted for him.

I smiled " I'll protect you my sunflower and I'll be by your side forever."

Hey guys I'm so so sorry for updating for such a long time. I had writers block and I had a ton of homework to do. And some projects to do. But hey at least I was able to update. See ya guys I the next chapter.

I'm a Hamster now?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora