chapter 10

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Alfred sat on Mathew ' s bear Kuma as everyone was finding their seats. As everyone was seated I stood up as well as mathew and we walked to the front of the room.

" so I heard from Mr. Germany that America has gone missing for a while now."

Everyone nodded and some started to say that he's just stuffing his face with food like he always does. I glared at them as they started to tremble and tried to make themselves smaller.

" well I have found him. Apparently a snowstorm has hit my home, so we were stuck for awhile till the snow had melted away."

Someone In the far back yelled, "then where the hell is he!"

I smiled at the person as my scarf floated a bit from my aura. " kol kol kol. I'm getting there, so be patient " I forced out smiling nicely as my older sister says. But in reality it looks like I'm going to kill them.

I turn to mathew and nodded as he hands over his brother to me. I turn to the rest and opened my hands. " America has been cursed and was transformed into a hamster hybrid."

I see that alfred looks around nervously and fidget ' s in my hand. A worry feeling starts to make way to my stomach as something bad will happen at any second.

A camera sound with a flash went off. I turned to that area to find Japan with his camera out and a faint dust of pink on his cheeks as he lowered his camera. People started to giggled and then laughing, sooner or later the entire room was laughing and pointing at alfred and taking pictures of him.

I felt him tremble and heard him sob as he tried to hide. It angered me that my sunflower was being laughed at for something like this. I handed him back to mathew who tried to comfort him. I knew that mathew was angry as well and wanted to smack them with his hockey stick, but he hand to comfort his brother.

I pulled out my pipe a slammed it onto the table a large crack on the table and a quiet room.

" now that you are all quiet, I would like to say that I know who did this. It is was England. As i recall Germany told me that the only person who was not worried for America's disappearance was England." I turned to him and glared.

He tensed but soon relaxed and returned the glare. " It is the bloody wankers fault for sleeping through an important meeting!" He hissed.

I was about to speak but canada beat me to it " Alfred has alot on his hands. Since the election is over and that he is having a new boss, he has to get everything ready in the office for the president elect. He doesn't want to say goodbye to his current boss and I can understand why. "

England sighs and rubs his head, "fine I'll turn him back but it will take a while."

" good." I turn back to Canada to see Alfred curled up in his brother's hand and holding on to his thumb as if it was a pillow. My face softens and I smile a little.

Germany stands up " we will continue the meeting once America is back to normal. Everyone is dismissed."

A/N: Man it has been a while. I'm sorry for not updating this book. I'm bad at this but... eh. So happy new years eve and new years whatever the hell you want to call it. Hopefully it would a good year next year but I don't. So yeah..... peace out my dudes!

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