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[Henry's :POV]

I  woke in the morning feeling high for some reson which i head no idea. I stood up from by bed and my hair was all missy and i looked so untidy. I didnt know why but i felt so happy for some reason than that's when the flashback began to come back.


Bianca:what are you doing here?

Henry: i missed you so much?

''Henry what are you doing.'' 

''I love you Bianaca''

''i love you too''

Flashback ends

''Oh my fuckin world , i had sex with Bianca!''

''What in the world''

As the flashback ended which was just half of it i remembered everything that happened on that night.'' I cant believe i did that with her''. Than i heared an awful sound that sounded like two people yawning ,so i walked to where ever the noise was coming from, I knew the sound was coming from the side of Kevin's bed  and as i removed the cover's from the bed.

''What the hell man!''

Henry: Kevin what th-!

Kevin: Keith shut the hell up man!

''Why do you have a girl in your bed you know!

''Look i'm gonna go i don't want any issue's''

Kevin:'' babe your not going any where''

Henry: ''can you at least put on an underwear''

Kevin: ''it's not like we  both arent man!''

Henry: yeah but theres a lady''

Kevin:''who i fucked!''

Henry:'' aaam excuse me lady but do you mind living before there to much trouble''

''Don't worry i'm out and Kevin see you later'', blowing a kiss

Kevin: ''see you too''

She leaves the room and takes her belonging's with her

''What the fuck man''

Henry:'' dont you start!, you know we are not allowed to have the ladies in here or else you know''

Kevin: yeah yeah i got it, i'm gonna take a shower''

Henry:'' what ever man''

I cant belive that my friend brought in a lady just for pleasure, i mean i'm not gonna get in trouble just because of his irresponsiblity and all for that. ''He has some nerve''.So today is Saterday and i don't even kow what to do.'' Wait a minute i think i know what to do''

Seens Kevin is busy in the shower i will just have to take a quick bath , so that i can have some fun time with my lady.'' Do i love her''. After taking a bath i get dressed up and had out of the room to meet Bianca at a dome, ''which i hope she's there'', I thought to myself.After all that i have done i had to a flower shop which is not far from college it's really near trust me.

''Hi, can i help you''

''Yes i'm looking for roses''

''Well than she must be a pretty young lady ha!''


''what kind of roses would you like, red , blue, green''

''I think i'm gonna go with red roses''

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