If only

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Charlottes POV

A million thoughts in my head , should i let my heart keep listening and up till now i have walked the line and even now i dont know whats wrong or right ,''If only''.I never asked for anything else in this world all i have ever wanted was my happiness but not even time could be changed.''If only i could change everything on that specific day that everything happened.''im so confused''. ''What do i do''.''If only''.So many thoughts were all over my head,i couldn't stop my self from tearing up.I felt so empty it was like i was just some empty vessel with no feelings.''Hey sweetie''. ''Hey mom''. ''If you keep calling me that im gonna start blushing.''Maybe you should''. The truth is i never thought i was ever going to have a mother again. ''If only i could stop him from shooting, if i was stronger than i was,if....

''Its ok Charlotte, Its not your fault'', While wiping my tears away

''But its my f...a..u..l...t'', Crying

''You couldnt have stoped him, why dont you look at this way, You couldn't do anything because if you did you could have been dead and you wouldnt be here today , so you need to come down ok''


''Lets forget about all this and lets just be happy and even since tomorrow you will be moving to college, you know that your mom would have been happy right''

''Yes Ms Moon'', I havent thought of that but im sure that where ever my mom or dad are they must be so happy for me , seens they have always wanted me to complete my studies and even so they might not be with me but i know i can make it through no matter what.''Ok it  time for you to go to sleep and you know what the doctor said, No more stress for the baby''. ''Ok mom ,im going''

I went up to my room and i wore my PJ's on and got into my bed. The truth is that i could not sleep at all , I felt so empty i could not explain what i felt and all the emotions that ran through my mind in the nigt.But as time went and swept i began to feel sleepy and i couldn't wait for what the world had behold for me next and you know who too.'' If only''

I woke to a sound of cars that stood outside and so much noice that truely distroyed my peaceful sleep.'' What the hell is going on''. I stood from my bed and lind against the window to peak through the window and what i saw were so many police man and cars all over and not only that, I saw so many cars and so many people standing around.'' I wonder what went wrong''. Just when i looked i was met by my lovely and sweet mom, I cant believe i'm calling her that but i have learned to love her slowly but surely.''Come on get ready it's time for you to live''. ''Already!''.  ''Yap come on get ready''

''Wait!, whats with the police cars and the lemo's''

''Its for your protection you never know if he could be looking for you''

And to think i was safe from all this trauma that i'm facing and going through,Why doesn't anything go right in my life and whats worst is i have to pretend and no one can know who i am.'' Its like starting over from scretch''.As minutes past i was up and ready to see a new world and to continue my studies, hopefully i could make my parents proud of  me.'' where ever they are''. I looked at myself in the mirror and i knew this was the last time i would ever be here again and to start a new fresh. The good think also is my tummy hasnt even grown yet.'' No one would know if i'm pregnant or not''. I thought to myself.''Come on we are late ''. Why does she have to be so bossy and with that i took my final step out of the house and ready for what ever i was going to meet. We got into the car and the trip took so long and the last time i remember getting into a car was the worst experience of my life but i can do this.

While were in the car i could hear some music but it seemed really sad it was my favourite song by Dove Cameron[ If only]. Listening to that song made me think of everything that happened to me it was like a flashback to when everything had began i my life, with all that thinking i could feel the car stoping but what i saw was amazing.'' We are here''. '' Wow'', Thats all i could say right at that moment.But thats not just it there were so many students surounding our car ,i mean our Lemozin.I got out of the car and everyone kept staring at me.'' As if im not human''. ''Dont forget what i told you Charlotte''.  ''Trust me i wont forget''.

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