Life Happens

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Charlotte POV

''Is this really happening to me''

'' Why me god''

I felt like i had a heavy weight on my shoulders which i could not carry, the pain that i felt could never be compared to anything in this world. I know they that a child is a sign and a fruit of happiness and love but to me this is the worst tragety that has ever happened in my life, especially when the kid is for a man you dont even love or even worse, who has kidnapped you.'' Why me'', is all i could think of all day, I hated the fact that i was pregnant at such an ealier stage and i'm not even ready to be a mom, ''I mean look at me'', I'm hardly not ready for this shit in my life right now.

''I dont want this thing!''

''Charlotte you dont know what your saying, your only saying this out of anger''

''Of  course not !,  , are you saying i should have the baby''

''Look i'm not going to force you but it's up to you''

''Think of it as a great present from god''

''Dont you start preaching the word of god to me, im about to have a monster child!''

I couldnt stand the fact that she of all people wanted me to give birth to this thing of a monster which she callls a child. I cant bare the thought of baring another mini version of Jasper, it hurts just thinking about it. Think about everything he did to me and everything i had to go through was harder that it is already. ''Look it may seem that this baby is heaven to you but to me it's the worst that could ever happen to me'', I said this as my final words to her as she put her hand on my hand.

''Charlotte i'm not forcing you to do anything''

''You can do what ever it is you want but first do you plan on keeping the baby or not''

When she said those words that made me shiver as i repeated them in my head,'' Do you plan on keeping the baby or not'', I didnt know what to say i was studdled by her words.I try to think about it but im not even sure if i want this baby or not but all i wanted to do is cry and cry until all my tears have dried out. '' I dont  know, i have no fucking idea ok!''

I stomed up to my bedroom which had the most amazing view but to me nothing was bright or amazing any more, Thinking about the man who tried to rape me numerous time, who took the life's of those whom i love dearly and who kept me captive for who knows how long and made me feel the pain that i couldnt indure and take any longer. In life theres always a solution to something  even when you think it's impossible anything is posible in life. I set down next to the mirror and i began combing loose parts of my hair but looking at my self in the mirror reminded me of all the suffering and all the scars i head to indure all alone. I was mad at such a point i began screaming and shouting ,'' why me!''


''I dont want this baby!''

''W--hy'', At this moment i felt like sobing and i felt like there was an empty space in my heart and my body like there was a knob that i could not untie even if i tried.Once again i stood up and looked at the window. ''I wonder how it feels like to fly like a bird'', I kept think about how it would be if i flew like a bird cause that would have been the easiest why to escape from all the pain i feel and see.

Slowly i looked out in the window and i felt a force pulling me in slowly to stand on the balcony of the window and with in no time or minute's i found my self standing ontop of the edge of the window, as i could feel the wind breeze heating me slowly. I didnt care about anything but only if this was the way than let it be.

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