What just happend

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[Henry's Introduction]

I know that you guys are upset with me, but don't blame me i just can't stand Charlotte any longer. Looking at her makes it hard for me to forget our past.''No i meant my past''. I thought pretending to be someone would be easier but i was wrong it just makes things more harder.

Bianca is pretty and everything but im not even sure if i want to be with her or not.'' This is so confusing!''. Whats worse is our dumb mistress put me and Charlotte in the same group, like thats going to change everything. ''I cant stand Charlotte''. 

Kevin:'Hey dude''

Keith:''What is it man!''

''Ok man, sorry for getting you all upset!''

''Im sorry Kevin just got things on my mind''

''Like what, let me guess chicks''

What is up with this guy and chicks , all he ever things about are girls ,i feel sorry for who ever will be his wife.''Poor woman''

Kevin:''Poor woman?''

''DID HE HEAR ME SAY THAT'', thinking to himself

Keith:''I actually meant poor woman, they wont have the chance with you''

''Yeah thats right man, since i have a girlfriend'', smirking

''Do i know her''


Ok so this is really going to be easy, Kevin likes slutty girls who have no self respect for others this  is going to be really easy for me to figure out. I just have to think of all the bad girl wanna be's.

Keith:'' Is it China,Emmy,lily,Swalen''

Kevin:''None of the above!''

''Than who''

Bianca: ''Hey babe''

Haven't you ever heard of the word knocking''

''Sorry Kevin but i don't think im a stranger anymore''

Bianca:'' Come one Keith lets go , before we get in trouble''

Kevin: ''You don't have to call him Keith , I know his real name'', annoyed

''Whatever lets go!''

Sometimes Bianca pushes me to many times , not  to be rude or anything but she can really be controling , i dont need some chicka controling every movement of mine.Like i was her little dog.Biance and i headed out off the dome and straight to our station, we got there earlier that the other's even though i thought someone would be there before me. But as time when ahead i saw her.'' The queen that own's my heart''

''What i mean to say the-----'',Thinking

I was got out of my thought when Bianca kissed me unknowingly, I enoyed it so much that we started having  a make out session. Don't get me wrong but this girl got it all. I saw Charlotte and thats what even drove me even crazier, I lost control of my self and kissed Biance with even more passion. I could tell Biance was enjoying this more than i did. 

After a while i was told to take some Hotdogs from the car but i couldn't hold in my feeling of what happend earlier. So i followed Charlotte to the woods and just when i thought i was guilty i cought her talking to Kevin. Its seemed like he was consouling her poor soul thats even if she has a soul. 

But as i reach closer , it looked like he was about to confess his feel- ,''wait what''

Flack back

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