Which is which

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Henry: Intro

I finally got to the dome but i needed to know. Today my questions are going to be all answered no matter what i have to do. Everything to me makes no sense. One party says the other and other states the other, I clearly remember the way Char looked at me when she said those 5 letter out of her mouth.'' Raped'', She cried so badly and looked so scared. There was no way that all those tears she had where fake. I know what i saw was real and not a joke, The pain in her eyes , the fear of being found or caught, and innocence that she always possess as no other could ever have that shade of black beauty.

I entered the dome and locked the door, I found the lights turned off and the whole place looked so clean, as expected Kevin was the cleanest person i have ever known.'' Hey who turned on the lights!'', He screamed in his sleep

''Baby turn off the lights''

I heard a girls voice  talking in her  sleep, it was not a shocker to me, he likes sleeping with every girl, even after professing his love to Charlotte but he still has the decency to sleep with another girl.I took a shower and i began reflecting everything i could think off , I tried switching off my mind but that could only happen if i was actually dead, well to bad im not.

I got out, rap my towel over my torso and applied lotion on every part of my body , My hair dried out a little as a shade of blonde began to appear. '' I'm so handsome'', Oh yeah!"I  said as i looked at my reflection in the mirror. I dressed into my p-jamas and set for a little while, wondering if it was the right thing to give Char the letter or turn a blind eye and pretend like i never received it or either read it and find out for myself what the truth really is. ''Which is which''

I opened the door and laid down on the porch, I opened the envelope which was silted and I later opened the letter,  but something kept telling me that i was about to find out something i didn't want to know but i had too many questions.

Dear Charlotte

I have missed you so dearly. It's been a long time since i have heard from you.

I know i have hurt you so many times but i'm ready to change, all i did was out of love.

The love i feel for you can not compare to what i truly feel for you

If  ever i still have a chance and maybe sometime together

I will never stop following you, no matter what i have to do. 

You belong to me and only me just like i belong to you

Until i see you again, very soon

I love you dear mrs Norman

Sincerely: Your Husband


What was the meaning of all of this, This letter confused me even more i didn't understand anything what he was talking about, More like he was confessing his profound love for her and not the other way around. He called her Mrs Norman.'' Where they married''

''When and How''

I swear this was getting really funny for me, He said he never hurt her before but look at what it says.''I have hurt you so many times, but i'm ready to change?'', Didn't he say that he would never hurt her, I really don't know who is telling the truth. The ending is what triggered me the most where he states that he is her husband.'' This is bullshit''. Could it be this whole time they got married but Char is not the type of girl to make such a crazy mistake and i say mistake because she always told me something and i remember it like it was yesterday.

Flash Back

We were sited at the porch back home when we were on holiday from school, it was fun to sit there and relax, she lay on my thigh and i was laying on the lawn of grass.

''So who is mr lucky guy'', I said smirking

''No one!'', she said as she laid her head on my thigh

''You mean , no one at all, how about getting married'', I asked jokingly

''If your so eager to know, I'm not interested, I first want to finish school than have a huge family!'' , She said

''Well thats sad'', I joked

''Hey!'', laughing

Flack back ended

Something doesn't make any sense at all, how is it possible that she got married and didn't even bother to tell me and her parents did they agree to this. Was it even a legal marriage or could they have gotten married secretly without anyone finding out what truly happened between the two of them, I can't except this at all. To many question with no answers. I  found myself falling asleep on  the lawn of grass as my eyes where so heavy, I could feel myself drooling to sleep.'' I need to know'', Talking to myself

I woke up the next morning in the lawn, I couldn't believe i sleep here the whole entire day, this was really driving me insane. ''I better rush before anyone sees me'', I said to myself as i woke up from the lawn



''Is that you Charlotte or am i dreaming''

''Nope it's me but why are you here and what's in your hand''

''Ah... Its my notes for Logarithms and Algorithms''

''Oh well than i will live , I have class and you should get ready''

''How's it going with the baby , I mean coping  and stuff '', nervous

'' I have been coping and don't worry about me , im fine'', she said as she turned around the other direction

Truth is i wanted to hug her and hold her hands and make her feel better but i'm not sure why i didn't do it. I don't know what's going on with me but i finally understand something. Char is the purpose of Jaspers life,He didn't want to say it but i figured out the puzzle. For all i know this is not the end. It's best if i never show her the letter. I don't want to lose her that easily or quicker than i could ever think. I promise i will get to the bottom of all of this.

''Henry why are you in your p-jamas''

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