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Henry: Intro

It has been such a long time since i haven't seen Jasper. It feels like so many years since this day would come. After the fight we had and what happened between him and i and all it was all about the love for Charlotte.'' How silly we truly were''

We want to a bar in L.A one of my favourites it had a strange name but i liked it like that, I bet you would find it weird but not me.  ''No Where" Is the name of the bar we went to, it's been a long time after all the chaos but one  thing that went through my mind was how Charlotte was doing, if she was fine recovering or not. We both got sitted and entered, The bartender was a very good man.'' What would you like to drink today''

''I would like a bottle of scotch'', I said sitted

''Wow!, I never thought you like strong  alcohol man''

'' Lets just say i need it, you have no idea what a rough day i have had''

Jasper:'' That's insane , I had the same day too''

''Here are your drinks, it's on the house!''

The bartender handed our drinks  and including the bottle of scotch. I took one shot but it wasn't even enough, I opened the bottle and poured myself and Jasper  some scotch'' Let's make a toast''

''To Friendship and girls''

''To Friendship and girls!''

Henry:'' So where have you been, I haven't heard from you or your family''

''I have been busy, pretty much, having fun now and then, going out and trying to find the purpose of living''

''I don't mean to be rude but the purpose of living?''

''What do you mean Jasper'', After taking a shot, he finally answered

''HHHHAaaaah!, What do you think i'm talking about''

''I have no idea man that's why i asked you first but you know what, forget what i asked you ok!''

''Let's drink up than''

We drank about 5 to 10 shots , it was going crazy up in here. Having to be with my friend again and reconciling after all the past events. I'm so proud to have a friend like him. Jasper has always been my confidant, not until i found out that he was also crushing on the same girl as me.'' What a crazy world'', thinking to myself

''So Henry tell me about your love life, i bet you found someone right!''

''Yeah you know i did, she is so amazing and guess what , you know her'', I smirked

Jasper:'' I do know her but who is she'', He suddenly dropped his glass

The way he looked at me, as i asked him the question, gave me the goosebumps. I don't know why but he was acting a little weird as if he wanted to read my mind.

''Its Bianca, we have been together for so long''. 

''I really thought that nothing would ever happen but she is the best thing that ever happened to me, I smiled

''Oh!,  Guessing by that smile, you don't even have to tell me twice'', I didn't want to ask him the question i have been dying to ask him for so long but i didn't want to cause any confrontation, I mean that's the last thing i needed but i needed to know what was going on between him and Charlotte and i really needed to know if he even knew whether she was having his baby or not or could it be Charlotte was telling me the truth.'' I need to know'', I kept thinking and thinking

''So.... I mean how is it with Charlotte and ....''

Jasper:'' Charlotte, She's fine as usual, since she moved here, I haven't heard from her for such a long time''

Henry:''Thats sounds great but if you do wanna know, she's at my  College ....''Cutt off

''She's in college!, which college, curious

''She enrolled at Duke, that's where she always wanted to go and than i turn out to be there''

''Thats fantastic, I miss her so much after all we went through'', Looking sentimental

''You.. mean the baby right'', I asked nervous

''She's pregnant with my baby, why didn't you tell me!'', shocked

'' I thought you knew, wait you mean you have no idea or she didn't tell you''

''Char never mentioned anything  to me, i had no idea but where is it , can I see her and the baby'', rushing out to the front door

Henry:'' The .... abyart is and ... Isa .. somehow''

''You know those aren't words right''

''SHE LOST THE BABY!'', I said in panic

''What, your lying , i know that i am the father''

''Well, something doesn't make sense, Char told me that you knew she was pregnant and that you tried to force yourself on her''

'' I need to know if it true, did you try to rape or at least hurt her'', I stood up

''Have you lost it man!, You know me better than anyone that i would never hurt
her , she loved me just as much as i love her''

'' If  i ever hurt her, I don't think i will be able to live with myself'' I didn't force myself she love me, crying

When he said those words and when they came out of his mouth, I wanted to hit him but i remembered that violence is never the answer. How could she have ever fallen for him but one thing that doesn't make sense is Jasper's reason and Charlotte who says she was raped by him but he denies ever doing so and looks sympathetic. '' Why would Charlotte lie than''

Jasper:'' I have no idea man but i know that i love her and i could never hurt her because that what it's all about, Isn't that how you feel for Bianca'', he spoke firmly

''Yeah, I would never hurt Charlotte and Bianca''

''Why did i say that!'' , Thinking to myself. No really why on earth would i say Charlotte's name and now it's more like i have started trouble.'' Well than i better get going, have classes tomorrow, it was nice to see you again.

Jasper:'' You too, can you give this letter to Charlotte'', handing the letter

''Sure i will''


After that looks chat we had and the weird and awkward moments that just took place, i don't know if what i'm doing is the wright thing. I drove back to school but my mind wasn't at ease.'' How could Charlotte lie to me like that!''

''Didn't she ever thinking about the consequences at all''

''Why did she do it'', Talking to myself

This was driving me insane, I had the letter that Jasper wrote to Charlotte and i need to know what was written in it, I need to know, maybe there might be clues to what i have questions too. ''how come he had no idea that she was pregnant with his baby''

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