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Charlotte POV:

Was it just my imagination or was i really seeing what i saw right there and than or i'm i dreaming , it feels like this is not happening right know but i might as well acheknowledge that his here. I got closer to him but all that came from his mouth was venom, it was as if the Henry i knew was someone else , he didnt even want to look at me or talk to me. To make it worse he didnt even want me to say his name.''What the fuck is happening to me''

All the things he said couldn't live my mind , thinking about what just happened and how he just left me hanging broke my heart into peices and i felt like there was no use of living.I was angry at myelf for ever thinking that he would forgive me after defending Jasper.'' Im such an idiot!''

I stood up and felt angry at the whole world i just wanted to kill my self i felt angry with everyone and god.'

''Why do i have to keep suffering!''

''What. you call yourself god , so answer me!''

''Why me , there so many people!''

By then my voice was cracking from all the tears i shed that night and i couldn't control myself i felt so broken. I couldn't expalin what i was feeling . It hurt so much.

''You say your god ha!''

''Why did you allow him to kill my parents!''


''Are you ok''

Weird strange voice spoke to me but i couldn't see him that clearly from all the tears i head in my eyes and i felt like i could die any moment.''Who are you''

''Im sorry to be bothering you but my names Kevin and you must be''

''No one''

''That's a very ansual name''

''Do you have any beer or anything like strong liquid''

''I dont think your in the position to drink''

''Shut up!''


''what you think cause your a man you own me''

Kevin:'' I didn't s-, cutt off

''There you are Charlotte, I have been looking for you''

Kevin:'' Go away Rachel''

Rachel:'' Shut the hell up and help me carry her''

''No, I left my jacket at the party and don't worry i know the way''



With that said and done i headed back to the party to get my jacket and just when i was about to head to where my jacket was.'' Well if it isn't miss snicky pans''

Charlotte:'' Look Bianca i'm not in the mood''

Bianca:'' Did i ask you what you were in the mood for''

Bianca: ''or better yet what color you would be''

Charlotte:'' Excuse me''

As soon as im about to step out of the front door she spills the puntch onto my dress and apple pie in my face.'' Bianca!''

''See now you look better in white and red''

I was left shocked , I have never felt more  emberrassed in my life . I had no words in my mouth and what hurts the most is Henry saw everything but he came closer and i guess he was going to help me, I mean we have known each other for so many years there was no way he was just gonna let them do this to me.

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