True love

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Henry POV

Last night was the best experience i ever had ,i am enjoying myself with Bianca and even though she can be a drama queen sometimes or maybe all the time, im excited to be with the most beautiful girl of all the girls. Now that i actually think of it, the relationship that Charlotte and i had was nothing but just a simple kiss and nothing more ,i dont even know why i think of her or even worry about her but what bothers me alot is why i cant forget her. No matter what i do or try all i see is her, it's as if she has taken over mylife  and like she's all up in my head but time's have changed and so should i change too,i'm about to gratuate soon and that's all i should be thinking of.

''Hey babe''

I looked carefully to see who it was and it was none othe than Bianca calling me. She was wearing a crop top and some jeans which made me go crazy for her.'' man does this girl drive me crazy''

''hey B''

''So what are you doing , I really missed you Keith''

''Really did you now''

''Stop it , you know that i missed you a whole lot and i was thinking you could come over to my dome when your done with class''

''That seems awesome but i was thinking we could go to Eben's party''

''I hate parties, there's to much noice and naughty alcohol''

''Ok, than suite your self''


''I cant believe you rememberd to call me that!''

''I did , so please, I mean it's only gonna be me and you alone'', smirking

''That means'',smirking

''We can do what ever we like but i'm going to class, see you ''

The things that she says that completely drive me crazy, i swear if it were not for us being in school i serious do not know what i would have done to her , cause it's not easy to control your self infront of a beautiful young lady. Just as i was heading to class for Social Geography i saw Rachel stralling down the path with some catch-up on her mouth, which you dont get to see that much often.''Hey Ri''

''Hey Keith''

''So whats up with the catch-up''

''Catch-up, what are you talking about''

Bianca:'' His talking about the one you have on your lips and use this to wipe it off and don't give it back i don't wanna get all dirty''

Rachel:'' Oh my god!''

B:'' Now if you will excuse me ,Keith  and i have to go somewhere else, before we get catched up on you, get it!''

Rachel:'' ag!'', walking away

H: ''That wasn't so polite of you''

B:'' OW  please , I was just trying to help you''

''From what''

''From her, you can totally see that she is so into you''

H:''She's just my friend and nothing more''

B:'' Sure she's just your friend but just stay away from her ok''

As she walked off i couldnt stand to be next to her sometimes cause she makes my blood  boil at some point and i cant take her jealous fits anymore. I mean everytime i'm with a girl it's like i'm cheating on her.

Finally time has passed and i feel so happy cause this is the time where i dont have to do any school work but rather sit and relax, while waiting for the day but just as soon as i walk to my dome i see Rachel living Eben's room and this makes me curious of why a smart girl would be going out with some peace of trash that only dums girl.I have heard some rumours about him that i think wouldn't be liking to your ears if i told you what i know.'' Rachel stop''

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