Not All Little Girls Wanted Unicorns

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Justice’s POV

"The place of justice is a hallowed place. "

-Francis Bacon

Obviously, and weird enough, I won all two rounds and much to my dismay.

On the first round of something in common with Mystery guy or the one I have dubbed Stranger. It’s cooler doesn’t it? Anyway, as I was saying, on the first round, Barbie was flushed down the toilet head first. On the second round, which I had won hands down since the audience loved me and my no nonsense attitude, made a sailor out of princess Fiona as she cursed away into the sunset.

So now, I was stuck in this cubicle, behind a blue curtain. Blue curtain. I grinned remembering how I recently argued with Henry and Liam about the curtain to use on the set.

“Blue is safe.” I said, “I think blue is safe.”

The next day, Liam had a curtain up in the set and it was more than safe. It was natural, like it was meant to be there.

Not like this moment though. I should have been eliminated even before the game started. Before I opened my big mouth about the crap Fiona was giving out.

“So, here we are on the third portion of our show where our guest and contestant will be getting to know each other.” Amanda says. “You may ask each other questions, like in a real date and-“

“Wait.” I said, again with the nanny Fran voice that mask my real voice, in case the guy knew me or I knew him. It didn’t make sense really. “We’re doing this on live TV?”

“Why? Got skeletons on you closet, nanny?” I heard Stranger ask, teasing.

“Oh, I’ve cleaned it up Mr. Sheffield, I was scared Gracie might find them.” I snapped. I’ve worked hard enough to keep my identity and my family background for four years and I am not gonna let this fifteen minute of fame ruin that.

I heard the audience laugh again. Well at least I’m making people happy… not!

“It will just be simple and obvious questions.” Amanda assured, “Like your friends, your likes…”

“Well, I only have one friend, and I have tons of like so there are too many to mention and I don’t think an episode is enough.”

“And you aren’t helping with all your whining.” Stranger said.

I rolled my eyes, acting to be cool won’t get you no where loser. I thought.

“Fine, let’s get this over with.” I snapped, crossing my arms and legs, and huffing up my anger. “I just wish my brother isn’t watching this…”

“A brother?” Stranger asked. “That’s your problem?”

“No, you are!” I snapped, “So, go get with the questions already so I can ditch this place.”

“Tell me something about your family.” I heard him say.

“Again, do I have to give you lessons of what a question is?” I asked.

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