Episode 12 Remember

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Cody Anderson's POV

What am I doing? I'm a 23 year old man and I'm knocking on the new groups door. I really shouldn't but oh well. A minute after I started knocking a man with no shirt on comes to the door. "Can I help you?" He asks me. I nod my head shyly. I hold up the basket filled with food. "This is for you and your group." I tell him. He nods his head and takes it. I notice that his hair is pretty long. "Um not to sound weird or anything but do you want me to give you a hair cut?" I ask him.

Ten minutes later

I got him to let me cut his hair after I gave him one of my smiles and of course he responded with a "you don't know me." And of course I told I could take care of myself and I got him to comply after that.

"So what's your name?" I ask as I begin cutting his hair. "It's Rick.....Rick Grimes." He tells me and I nod my head at his response. "You got any family Rick?" I ask him. He nods his head. "A son and a daughter.....You?" He asks me and I nod my head slowly before quickly realizing that he couldn't even see me . "Yep I've got an older sister her name is Jessie Anderson,I have a younger brother Sam, Pete which is Jessie's husband, and my sister's son Ron." I tell him shaking my head at myself before looking down at his hands. I see that he has a wedding ring on. "You married?" I ask.

He looks down at his ring. "I was." He says. "What happened to her?" I ask. He looks down at the ground and I instantly feel bad for even asking. "I'm sorry." I say to him and he nods his head lightly. I shake my head once again at my stupidity.

I just keep on cutting his hair not saying another word.

"What about you...are you married?" He asks me after a few moments of silence.

I chuckle a bit before answering. "No.......um I almost did........um me and him we were going to get married but then this happened." I say to him.

"Him?" He asks and I nod my head cutting a bit more of his hair . "Yeah him....I'm gay so." I say and Rick nods his head. "What happened to him?" Rick asks me. I let out a sad sigh. "When all this went down and before we got here he wanted to go to this refugee but he didn't want to have to wait on my sister and her family so I didn't go and he just left...saying he would go and see if it was legit so I don't really know." I say to him and he nods his head lightly once again.

After another minute of cutting his hair I'm done. "There all done." I say to him. "Thank you...um?" He asks. "Oh Cody..Cody Anderson." I say to him with a smile. He walks me to the front door and opens it for me. "Thank you for the hair cut Cody." He says and I nod my head as I leave to go back to my house. When I walk in I hear music playing somewhere upstairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Jessie cooking. "Hey where have you been?" She asks me. "Oh I went by the new groups House to give them some food." I say and she nods her head. "So what are we having for dinner?" I ask her. "Oh well we are having beef stew tonight." She tells me and I smile at the thought of it. Beef stew....mmmm so good.

"So where's Sam?" I ask ignoring my thoughts on food but before she can answer me Pete walks in. "Your always worried about that dump ass boy." He tells me pulling out a beer from the refrigerator. "he's not dump." I say under my breath but Pete must have heard me because the next thing I know is that I'm on the floor and my right cheek is stinging. "Don't talk back to me again." He says then walks out of the kitchen. Jessie holds out her hand and helps me up. "Are you alright?" She asks me I nod my head. "Look Sam's in his room." She tells me and I nod my head but my eye sight don't leave hers for a moment and I can see the sadness in her eyes.

I break our eye contact and then walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Pete's always like this. Ever since we got here he's always hitting someone. I never really liked him to begin with but I had no idea what kind of asshole he was until we arrived here. My sister had been hiding the abuse for almost five  years before the world turned to shit. I shake my head in disappointment. I couldn't see it and even now knowing what he's done I haven't done anything to stop him......I'm weak. I shake my head as I get to the first door on the right I knock on it. Thirty seconds later Sam opens the door. "Cody!" He says and then wraps his arms around me. "Hey buddy what have you been up to?" I ask. He just gives me a big smile. "Oh nothing really just drawing." He says and I nod my head.

Before I can do anything I hear Jessie call us down for dinner.

Rick's POV

Glenn came back from a run and him and one of Dianna's sons got in a fight after she broke it off she gave me and Michonne a job. We're basically cops without Gun's......he shakes his head in disbelief. These people are weak and he can't really wrap  his head around how they  managed to be this lucky for so long. It's been two years since the fall and they have barley lost anyone.......I won't let them let us become weak. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head and to get my thoughts organized.

I walk down my street passing six houses  before coming to a stop At the seventh  house. Theres a giant window with the curtains drawn  and I can see straight into the dining  room and kitchen and  I see Cody and three other people around a giant table and I smile a little for some reason and then keep walking. It's pretty dark out but I can see pretty good I guess. When I get to the front of the house I see a man sitting on a chair on the porch his face however his hidden in the darkness. "Your the new guy right?" He asks me and I nod my head. "Well welcome to Alexandria." He says and I just nod my head and I walk away.

Cody Anderson's POV
We all just got done eating and now I'm helping Jessie with the dishes. "So the new group...what are they like?" Jessie asks me. "Well I did not meet all the group members I only met one of them and that was Rick." I tell her and she just nods her head. "So is he cute?" She asks giggling. I just lightly smack her on the arm. "Jessie." I say to her and we both bust out laughing. After a minute I'm able to put myself together again. "If you must know yes to me he's very cute." I say and she just gives me one of her lovely smiles. I kiss her on the cheek then I tell her good night. When I get up stairs I decided that I needed to take a shower. I walk into my room and then I get a long sleeve shirt and some Joggins. I grab my towel and then I walk out of my room and down the hall to the bathroom. When I walk in I shut and lock the door I then step into the shower and I let the warm water run down my back.

After about a twenty minute shower I step out and then I get dress. I walk out of the bathroom but I stop in the middle of the hallway as I hear yelling coming from downstairs. Jessie and Pete are fighting again. Great that's all I need to hear.

I knock on Sam's door but I never get an answer. I turn the knob and open the door only to find out that his room is empty. Now where could he be? I ask myself. I then remember the one place Jessie tells Sam to go most of the time Pete is drinking. I quickly go to the hall closet and knock lightly on the door. "Sam...it's me ." I say lightly and not a moment later I hear the lock being pulled and I grab the door handle twisting to the right opening the door. Sam looks up at me from his spot on the ground , Tear streaks stain his cheeks and I let out a sigh. I hate myself for not being able to protect him. "Come on you want to sleep in my room tonight? I'll let you pick out a movie."  I say.

"No Pete's being mean again." He says looking down.

"I have a lock on my door too remember?" I say and he quickly looks up wt me with a small smile on his face. " I can pick any movie?" He asks and I nod my head with a smile on my face. At least I can do something for him.

Rick's POV
I walk back to the house and see Daryl, Carol, and michonne. "Where did you go?" Carol asks me. "I just went for a walk." I tell her. She nods her head. "So what do you think about this place?" I ask them. Carol looks at everyone then looks back at me. "These people are weak..most of them don't know how to kill walkers and they're going to make us weak." She tells me and I nod my head.

"Yeah well I think your right. If they can't change then.....we will just take this place." I say to them and Carol is the only one that nods her head.


Well it's been a while and I'm just gonna be fixing some of the chapters and Idk if anyone will even see this but I still have a couple chapter done of part two and I was wondering if I should add them To this book  and just continue this book through  the Negan arc or and do part 2 later or if I should just leave it in the second book and do it that way. Like I said idk if anyone even cares about this book anymore.

Rick Grimes Gay Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now