My own Episode 5

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Cody's flashback

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I scream as I see Sam's ear gets ripped off. "Sam.....Sam." I  cry out. "Cody come with us." I hear someone say but I'm to dazed to know who said it. I don't even know but before I know it I'm on the ground with two dead walkers on top of me.  I just stare at the walkers as they rip my baby brother apart.  I sit there and cry.

End of flashback

Rick's POV
I'm running to The infirmary Cody's head is on my shoulder. He's burning up like crazy. When I get to the door I scream for someone to open the door. That's when Maggie opens the door. I run past her. "Denise!" I scream for her. "Rick what's going on?" Maggie asks. I guess everyone else is gone. That's when Denise runs in here. I lay Cody on a medal table. Maggie gasps. "He's alive. Denise something's wrong with him I need-" I say but she already running around getting things. "What's going on in here?" Jessie asks walking in and seeing Cody on the table. "Jessie he's alive. I don't know how but he is." I say. She begins to cry and runs over to him and grabs his hand. "He's burning up." Jessie says gasping. "Yeah he  cut his arm on something and it got infected but he'll be alright. I'm amazed he survived but he was always a fighter." Denise says. I smile and then I grab his other hand. I kiss it and lay it back down on the table. "Where are the others?" I ask Maggie she smiles a bit. "Some went to try and fix the wall. Others went to start getting rid of the bodies." She tells me and I nod my head. "I'm gonna go help them," I say but Michonne puts her hand on my shoulder keeping me from moving. "Rick I think you need to stay here. With Cody and carl. We got it from here don't worry." She tells me with a small smile. I slowly nod my head then I get a chair and sit next to him. "How is he alive?" Jessie ask crying but smiling as well. "I don't know but I'm sure when he wakes up he can tell us."  Denise tells her.

Another flashback of Cody

After a few minutes of trying to get the two dead walkers off of me I'm able to push them off of me and I stand up and look to see what's left of sam.  I begin to cry again. "Sam." I say crying. That's when a few walkers comes my way. I let out a scream and before I know it there's twenty walkers coming my way. I pull out my knife and I jab it into the first walker I see I pull it out and I jab it into another walkers head. I kick another one in the knee and it falls to the ground and I smashes it's head with my boot. I let another scream as I stab another walker in the head. Over and over and over again.

End of flashback

I sit there holding Cody's hand. Jessie has stop crying now and is just sitting there dazed. "Where's Ron?" I ask her. "He went to take a shower but now I'm guessing he's sitting with Carl." Jessie tells me and I nod my head. "Do you want to get in the shower I mean I'll stay with him." I tell her. After a minute she lets out a sigh and nods her head. "Thank you." She tells me and I nod my head. She gets up from her spot and then walks away. That's when Denise comes in and smiles. She looks at Cody with caring eyes. "How long have you known him?" I ask her. She lets out a sigh. "About all my life. We met in high school. Freshmen year. We went to collage together. He's my bestfriend." She says smiling. I smile at her. "You saved carls life. Thank you." I tell her. She just waved it off.

"I'm just doing my job." She tells me. I nod my head. "It's getting late do you want anything maybe something to eat?"  She asks me. I nod my head.  "That would be great thanks." I tell her she smiles and nods her head. I just sit there trying to figure everything out.

Cody flashback

It's now daylight. All the walkers are killed. I guess the others did it. I look down at what's left of Sam and let out a shaky breath. I pick up what's left of him and after a few minutes I'm able to carry it. I'm going to bury him.  I'm burning up. I got cut on my arm by a piece of glass. When I get behind the house where we bury people I put Sam down.  I then take the sheet that covers me off.
I let out a sigh. "Hey!" I hear someone say. I turn around to see rick and Michonne. Rick looks shocked and so does Michonne. Rick slowly makes his way over to me. "Ri.........rick." I say before passing out.

End of flashback

I fill someone shaking me awake. I look up to see Denise. "You fell asleep." She tells me and I just nod my head. "How long was I out for?" I ask her. She chuckles a bit. "You were out ten hours." She tells me.  "Shit what time is it?" I ask her. "It's 7:00 in the morning." I just nod my head. "What has everyone been doing?" I ask her. She lets out a small sigh. "They've been working on the wall and getting rid of all the walker body's." She tells me and I nod my head.

That's when Cody opens his eyes. "Cody." I say with happiness. He gives me a weak smile. I grab his hand. He squeezes my hand. I bring my lips to his. "Look I'll take care of him you go get in the shower. You really need one." She tells me with a small smile.

After I get out of the shower I walk into the room Cody was in to see he's not there anymore. "Um Denise where's Cody?" I ask her. She walks in with Tera right behind her. "Oh he got in the shower right there." She points to a door to my right. I nod my head. "Tera what are you doing here?" I ask her a bit confused. "Oh I'm just visiting my girlfriend." She tells me. I look at her shocked. "Really. Well good for you." I tell them and they both smile. "Is Carl awake?" I ask her. She slowly nods her head. "Yeah he just got out of the shower he's laying back down. He's gonna have to stay here a few more days." She tells me and I nod my head. They smile and then walk out.

Denise's POV
"Well everything alright out there?" I ask Tera. She nods her head. "Yeah they got the church tower moved  out of the way now they're fixing the wall." She tells me and I nod my head. "How long do you think it'll take to get rid of all the walkers?" I ask her. "I don't really know there's a lot of body's so at least a couple of days at least." She tells me and I nod my head. "How many dead?" I ask her. She lets out a small sigh. "We lost ten." She tells me. I let out a sigh.
"Dam first the wolves and now this." I say shaking my head. Tera grabs my hand. "Hey we're going  to be ok." She tells me. I smile a bit.

"Yeah I'm sure everything's going to be alright now." I say with a small smile.

Jessie's POV
I'm sitting outside ricks porch with Ron    I just got done loading walkers on a truck. "How did Cody make it?" Ron asks me. "I don't really know but we can ask him when he wakes up." I tell him with a small smile. He smiles back. That's when Daryl comes onto the porch. "Hey Ron can you give us a minute?" I ask him. He nods his head and then stands up and walks off. He comes over to me and sets down next to me. "I heard Cody survived." He tells me. I nod my head. "Yeah he is." I say with a small glad smile.   "I bet rick fills a whole lot better now that Cody's not dead." He tells me. I look at him. "Now why would you say that?" I ask him. He looks at me. "I've known rick a long time and plus I saw him kissing him once." Daryl tells me and I just shake my head smiling a bit.

"Yeah just don't tell anyone they didn't really want anyone to know about them." I tell him and he nods his head. "I'm really glad your back." I say grabbing his hand. He squeezes. "Yeah me too." He says giving me a small smile.


Well here's another chapter I hope you like it.

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