Episode 8 Start To Finish

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Cody's POV

I run but then I fall into the grass that's when dust fills my vision. I can't see anything. I hear gun shots but I can't see who's shooting. I stand up and turn around to see walkers coming at me. I let out a terrified scream. I pull out one my guns and I begin to shoot. I'm only able to kill three and then I begin to run off. "Rick!" I scream his name but I don't find him. That's when someone grabs me from behind. I look to see it's a walker. I push it away and shoot it in the knee. Before I know it I'm at my house. That's when I see rick, Michonne, Carl, Ron, Dianna, and some other person. I start to run to them but walkers cut them off. "No!" I scream pulling out my gun by then Jessie is standing beside me shooting the walkers. "Come on I have Judith!" Jessie screams.

We run into our house. I hear Sam's music so I run up stairs. I open sam's door. "Sam I need you to turn the music off!" I scream running over to his music player and turning it off. "Why because of the monster?" He asks freezing up when he sees Rick and Michonne carrying Dianna to a couch by the window.

"Sam look at me!" I scream at him. After a minute he does. "I need you to stay in here and I need you to be brave." I tell him then I tell him to back up and then I shut the door. I stare at everyone else but I just leave everyone to go sit in my room. Jessie sees me and comes right into my room as soon as I sit on my bed. "Cody we're going to be ok." She tells me with a small sigh. "How are we going be ok? I mean there are walkers everywhere." I say shaking my head. She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Cody we are going to be alright." She tells me. I slowly nod my head. She nods her head then runs back off because rick calls for her. I sit there just shaking my head. I walk over to my window and open my curtains to look out into the street. Walkers are everywhere growling trying to find there next meal.
I let out a shaky breath. That's when someone puts their hand on my shoulder I jump a bit then look behind me and I let out a sigh when I see rick. I then put my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the top of my head. "Dianna was bit." He tells me. I pull away. "How long does she have?" I ask him. He shakes his head. " I don't know but she doesn't look good so I don't really think she has much longer." He tells me. I just shake my head. "What do we do now?" I ask him.

"We have food. Enough to last us awhile. They should spread out by then. I make my way to the armory and lead them away." He tells me and I nod my head. That's when Judith begins to cry. "I'll be back." Rick tells me and I nod my head.  I just look outside my window.
After a few minutes rick comes back into my room. "Dianna wants to talk to you." He tells me. I slowly nod my head And then  I make my way towards the room she's in. When I walk in there she's just laying on the bed. When she sees me she lets out a small smile. "Hey Cody." She says with a small smile. I give her a small smile. "You not looking to good." I say to her binding down to her level. She chuckles a bit at that. "Yeah I've been better." She tells me.

"Dianna I'm sorry." I tell but she just shakes her head. "No I'm sorry. I should have done something about Pete long ago. I knew what he was doing and I did nothing about." She tells me. I try to say something but she puts her hand up again. "He was the only doctor here. I was letting him get away with what he as doing because I knew we needed him. I focused on him when I needed to be focused on right and wrong and what I did was wrong and for that I am so sorry." She tells me. I grab her hand and a tear sneaks it's way down my cheek. "It's alright you were just thinking of us. I forgive you." I tell her. She smiles a bit at that.
"I want you to survive. I want you to know why you want to survive. Do you?" She asks me but I shake my head because I don't know why I want to live. "Well then figure it out. " she tells me and I nod my head. She smiles then she lets go of my hand.

As I'm leaving the room I hear everyone screaming down stairs. I run down stairs to see walkers breaking the the window. "Everyone up stairs now!" Michonne screams. I pull my gun out and shoot a walker in the head then I run up stairs.

Rick and Michonne bring two dead walkers up stairs and then they begin cutting them open. "What are you doing?" I ask them. "We are all going to the armory we are going to put those sheets on and we are going to cover ourselves with this stuff make us smell like them walk right by them." Rick says. Me and Jessie look at him like he's nuts. "Look I've done it before it'll work." Rick tells us. I let out a sigh and then nod my head. I take a sheet and put over me. I then lean down next to one of the body's. "I'll do it if you want me to." He tells me and I nod my head. After two minutes of rick putting stuff all over the sheet.  He says it's good enough. That's when I hear Sam ask Jessie what's going on and she talks to him. After a few minutes everyone is covered in blood and guts besides Michonne because she just got back from telling Dianna what's going on. When everyone is ready we make our way to the steps. Jessie checks her clip to see how many bullets she has left. We slowly make our way to the bottom of the steps where rick moves the couch out of the way. He makes his way through the walkers with us right behind him. When we get onto the porch rick looks at me and I nod my head. Rick grabs carls hand and I grab carls other hand. Sam grabs my hand and Ron grabs Sam's other hand and Michonne grabs his other hand and the other guy takes hers.

Well I hope you liked this chapter. I did.

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