Episode 10 The Next World

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Ricks POV
I'm fixing my gun belt at the moment. Michonne walks into my room with her robe on. "Hey I need more toothpaste." She tells me. I nod my head. "Yeah well I'm out." I tell her. She lets out a sigh. "Look I'll get some on the run today." I say with a small smile.
She laughs and nods her head. She then looks up stairs. "Maybe you should go ask him if he needs anything?" She asks me. I nod my head and then I walk up stairs. I then knock on Cody's door. He doesn't open it so I just walk in. He's sitting on his bed reading a book. "I'm going on a run with Daryl do you need anything?" I ask him. He looks up and nods his head. "Yeah I'm out of toothpaste." He tells me. I let out a chuckle. "Yeah we are all out of toothspaste." I tell him with a small smile.
He gets up from his spot on the bed and comes over to me he then brings his lips onto my lips. They're so warm I just love it.  "Be safe." He tells me. I nod my head then walk away.
Me and him have gotten a lot closer over the last two months.

Daryl's POV
"You be careful out there." Jessie tells me giving me a hug. "I will." I tell her. "I love you." She says kissing me on the cheek. "I love you too now I'll see you in a bit." I smile at her. She smiles and kisses me one last time before I walk out of the door.

Denise's POV
"So your really going on this run?" I ask  Tera. She nods her head. "Yeah but trust me I'll be fine."  She tells me with a small smile. "I know it's just I don't want anything bad to happen to you." I tell her. She hugs me. "Don't worry I'll be fine I know what I'm doing." She tells me chuckling a bit. I begin to laugh with her.

Cody's POV
I let out a sigh. I get up from my bed and walk out of my room. I really wish jessie still lived here but she wanted to spend time with Daryl which I understand. I decide to walk outside. And go to Denise's and talk to her. I haven't talk to her in awhile. I try to keep a happy face on but really it's hard. I mean I know it's been two months but I'm still upset about my brothers death. Sam meant a lot to me.  I miss him.
When I get to Denise's door I knock on her door. A moment later Tera answers the door. "Oh hey Cody I haven't seen you in awhile how have you been?" She asks me with a small smile. I shrugs my shoulders. "Im ok I guess." I tell her. She nods her head. "Well I'm heading out Denise is in the kitchen." She tells me with a smile as she passes by me. I walk in and I shut the door behind me. "Oh hey Cody." Denise tells me with a smile when she sees me walk in.  I sit down in the chair next's to her. "Do you want anything?" She asks me but I just shake my head no. She just nods her head. "Well I haven't seen you in two weeks how have you been?" She asks me with a small smile. "I've been better." I tell her and she nods her head. "So how are you and rick doing?" She asks me. "Well I think we're doing pretty good." I tell her. She smiles at that. "Well that's good to know I always thought you two were good together." She tells me and I smile a bit at that. "Thanks. What about you and Tera anything there?" I ask, she just shakes her head. "Nothing really. She's going on a two week run here in a few days." She tells me and I nod my head. "And how do you feel about that?" I ask her.

She lets out a sigh. "It scares me a lot knowing she's going to be out there in danger but I know she'll be alright. She's strong." She tells me. "Yeah she is kinda strong." I tell her. "Well what's Jessie been up to?" She asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't really know. I mean I haven't talked to her that much." I tell her and she nods her head. "Oh well maybe you should go by there today I mean so you can see what's going on with her." He tells me and I nod my head. "Yeah maybe I should go check on her." I say.
"Yeah come by later or tomorrow." She tells me. "Oh I will. See you later." I tell her. I give her a hug and then I walk out. I walk down the street until I see Daryl's and Jessie's house. I knock on the door and I wait for her to open the door.

She does after a few seconds. "Oh hey." She says with a small smile.  "Hey Jessie." I say to her. "Can I come in?" I ask her and she nods her head. We walk to the kitchen and I sit down. "Where's ron?" I ask her. "Oh he's hanging out with Carl." She tells me. "How are you?" She asks me. "Oh I'm doing ok." I say and she just nods her head.


Me and Jessie talked for an hour and then I went back home. When I get home no ones here so I just sit on the couch.

That's when I see him. I see Sam. "Sam?" I say shocked. "You didn't save me!" He tells me. "What?" I say confused at as to what's going on. That's when he vanishes.

Before I know it,it's dark. That's when rick comes in and sits next to me.

"How was your day?" I ask him he lets out a sigh. "Not really good." He tells me. I nod my head. "Oh I got you something." He tells me pulling out a little packet of gum. "I got you and Michonne toothpaste but it is in a river at the moment." He tells me. "Oh you had a day." I say taking the gum from his hand. That's when rick intertwined are fingers and the next thing I know we're having a full out make out. Rick picks me up and wraps me around his waist and carries me up stairs. The next thing I know is our clothes are flying everywhere.

Oh my gosh me and rick just had sex. That was our first time and dam did it feel good but now my ass hurts. "Rick." Someone says but I just ignore the person. "Rick." The person says. "Rick!" At that moment I stand up pulling  the sheet with me I grab my gun off the night stand and rick does the same. I point it at a guy I don't even know. "We need to talk." He says looking at rick.

I laughed when I wrote this last part hope you like it and what was that thing with Sam?

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