My Own Episode 3

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Cody's POV

I gasps out of surprise. Rick just shot Pete and killed him. Jessie can't stay on her feet and she almost falls but before she can Maggie catches her. "Rick?" Someone says and we all look up to see a black man with Aaron and Daryl. "Morgan?" Rick says.

(Ten minutes later)

I'm in Rick's house right now. "You found me." Rick says to Morgan with a small smile. Morgan nods his head. "Yeah....yeah I did. I found your prison but when I got there it was gone." He tells Rick and Rick nods his head. "Then I found terminus but it was gone as well and then I found the church and then here we are." Morgan says with a small smile.

"Look I'm glad to see you....I really am but I'm gonna have to put you in a cell for a day or two. I don't take chances anymore.....I have people I have to keep safe." Rick says looking at me. Morgan nods his head. "And you shouldn't." Morgan says.

Rick walks over to me. "I'm gonna get in the shower and I'll walk you home after." Rick says and I nod my head as he walks away. Michonne looks at me and walks over to me. "How are you holding?" She asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. Pete had it coming and after he killed Reg......that was it he was done for." I tell her and she nods her head.

"Hey if you need to talk just always know you can talk to me." She tells me and I nod my head. "Where's Maggie?" I ask her. "She's at the Infirmary with Glenn he got shot." She tells me and I nod my head. I watch Morgan walk out of the house. "So do you know Morgan?" I ask her. She nods her head. "I only met him once though." She tells me and I nod my head.

I sit at the kinchen table and wait for Rick. That's when Carl comes down stairs and sees me sitting at the table. "Hey Cody what are you doing here?" Carl asks me. "Oh I'm waiting for your dad to get out of the shower." I tell him. Carl slowly nods his head then walks out of the room.

About ten minutes later Rick walk into the kitchen. "You ready to go?" He asks me. I nod my head. We don't talk at all the whole way to my house but when we get on my porch Rick turns me around to face him. "You know I had to shoot him....right?" Rick asks me and I nod my head. "Yes Rick I know you had to shoot Pete." I tell him then I wrap my arms around him. "Thank you." I tell him and he nods his head. He then leans in and kisses me on the lips. His lips are so warm. "I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him.

He nods his head then he begins to walk away. I open the door and walk in. As soon as I walk in I see Jessie crying on the couch. I sit down next to her and I just stay quiet. "Pete's dead." She says then begins to cry more. "I know and I'm sorry." I tell her. She just begins to cry harder. Ron walks in and slams the door shut. "Ron." Jessie says but he keeps on walking up the stairs.   I look at Jessie and she looks at me.        "Where's Sam?" I ask her.       "He's up in his room."  She tells me.    I nod my head and then head up the stairs.   When I get to his room I open the door to see him laying on his bed drawing.  He looks up at me and smiles at me.    "Hey." He says to me and I do the same. "Did you hear about what happened to Pete?" I ask him and he slowly nods his head. "Yeah I herd jessie told me." He says looking down. "Rick had to kill him" I tell him. Sam nods his head slowly. "Can I sleep with you?.....please" he asks me and I nod my head.

(The next day)

I'm walking down stairs to see Ron sitting in the kitchen all by himself. I walk over to him and sit in the chair next to him. He looks at me for a second then he looks back down. "Ron can we talk for a minute?" I ask him but he doesn't say  anything. "Ron I want you to know that Pete killed reg and Rick killed him because of that." I tell him but he just keeps looking down. "Look I'm sorry." I tell him and that's when he looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "No your wanted him dead. You hated him!" Ron screams at me then gets up and leaves. I let out a sigh.         I get up and walk out of the house.     I walk out and I see some people walking out of the armory.   I see Tobin walk out so I run over to him.    "Hey Tobin what's going on?" I ask him.   "Oh Dianna said we could have guns now." He tells me smiling. I nod my head and walk in. I see Olivia. I walk up to her. She smiles at me. "How can I help you?" She asks me and I smile. "Can I get two beretta 92fs please?" I asks her. She nods her head then goes over to the pistols and grabs them. She puts them on the counter. She then goes back and gets fifteen clips. She then grabs a book bag and then puts a bunch of ammo boxes in the book bag as well as two holsters. She then comes back to the counter and puts the clips in the book bag as well. "Those are the only two beretta 92fs so I gave you more boxes you have ten and there's a lot more in here so when you need more just come on back." She tells me and I nod my head and I thank her.

I walk out of the armory and slowly walk back to my house. When I get in there. I see Jessie messing with a gun. "You got one too." I say to her and she nods her head. "You got one?" She asks me and I nod my head. " I got two." I tell her smiling. She nods her head and smiles a bit.


Ok well I hope you liked this chapter the picture is the two guns Cody got.

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