Episode 14 Twice As Far Part 1

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Cody's POV
It's night time now. Denise and Ron are sitting in the living room. Picking out a movie. Me and Carl are in the kitchen trying to find something to snack on. That's when I let out a sigh. There was this one time me and Sam were having a movie night. We were sneaking around getting food.


"Come on Cody!" Sam said running down the stairs. "Sam be quiet or your going to wake Pete up." I tell him. We're both at the bottom of the stairs right now. Sam looks down. "I'm sorry." He says looking down. I let out a sigh. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Come on lets see what we can find in this place." I say to him with a big smile. He looks up at me and gives me an even bigger smile.

End of flashback

I smile at the memory. That's when my smile fades. Sam's dead. Rick could be too. No don't think like that! I let out a small sigh looking down. "Hey Cody you alright?" Carl asks me. I look up at him and I let out a sigh. "No I don't think so." I tell him looking down. "Why not?" He asks me. "I'm just thinking about how Sam died.....how he died so easy and now rick could easily get killed himself and I don't think I could deal with that." I say shaking my head. He lets out a sigh then comes over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Look I know your worried about my dad but don't be he can take care of himself." Carl says. I just let out another sigh. "Just because he can take care of himself doesn't mean that he couldn't die out there." I say to him almost terrified. He then takes his hand off my shoulder. "Cody he'll be back he wouldn't leave you or me." He tells me. I look up and I give Carl a small smile. "Thanks Carl." I say smiling. He pats my back. "Yep no problem now come on we need to find those snacks and we need to hurry." Carl tells me and I nod my head.


I wake up by Ron poking me. "What is it Ron?" I Ask him. That's when I jump up. "Is rick and the others back?" I ask him but he just shakes his head no. I let out a sigh. "Where's Denise?" I ask him. "She went home she said she had to get back to work." He tells me. I just nod my head. "Well alright then." I say nodding my head and standing up. "What are you doing?" He asks me. "Well I don't have to do anything if you don't want me to." I tell him. He looks down at the floor. "Hey Ron are you ok?" I ask him. "I'm scared for my mom." He tells me. I let out a sigh and I pull him into a hug. "You're mom is very strong. I'm sure she'll make it." I tell him with a little smile. He looks up at me but he nods his head. I then see Carl staring at me. "What do you two want to do?" I ask them. "I don't really know." Carl tells me. I let out a sigh. "I need to go keep watch." Carl tells me standing up. I let out a sigh. "Well then Ron what do you want to do?" I ask him. "Well if Carl is going to be on watch then I'll go on watch with him." Ron tells me. I let out a sigh but nod my head. Judith is with Eric so I guess I'll be by myself.

I just let a sigh out and then sit back down on the couch. Well this day really isn't turning out to be a fun day but oh well I guess. I sit there and I get to thinking. Rick said he would be back by morning but he's still not here. I don't need to start worrying that would be bad. I let out a sigh. I then lay down. I just want rick and my sister to be ok. That's all I'm asking for.


I stand there as I watch my brother get ripped apart in front of me. I scream and scream but I just stand there. "This all your fault you could have saved him!" Rick screams at me. I step back as he keeps screaming at me. "You killed your own brother!" Rick screams at me. Now I have tears in my eyes. "No." I say. "Yes if you had told him to go with Gabriel then he would still be here!" Rick screams at me. "No!" I scream and cry at the same time. "Noooooooo!" I scream.

End of dream

I gasps awake. I feel wet stuff on my cheeks. I bring my hands up to touch my cheeks. They're tears. I look around to see nobody's home. I stand up and I walk towards the door when I open it I walk out. I did get Sam killed I should have made him go but I didn't and now he's gone. I'm so stupid if I would have sent him away he would still be here!
I am such a stupid ass! I killed my own brother. That's when I see him. That's when I see Sam just standing there. "Sam?" I ask weakly.

He turns around and his ear is gone also there's a big chunk of flesh missing from his neck.

"You killed me!" Sam screams at me. I feel more tears going down my face. "No." I say shaking my head. "You could have saved me but you let me die!" He screams at me. "No. No! No!" I scream at the top of my lungs and I fall to the ground. "I'm sorry I should have kept you safe." "I'm so sorry. I killed you!" I scream. " damn it damn it damn it!" I scream.

That's when someone touches my shoulder and I let out a scream of terror. I look up to see a walker when I push it away everything goes back to normal. "Cody. Cody stop look at me!" Rick screams at me. I look up to see his face that's when I break out into tears. I then wrap my arms around him and I put my face into his neck. "I killed him! I killed him!" I cry into his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and he puts one of his hands on the back of my head. "Shhhhhhh Cody calm down your ok." Rick screams. "I killed him." I scream crying my eyes out. "I should have done something!" I scream. "It's all my fought." I say crying into his shoulder. He kisses me on the top of my head and rocks me back and fourth.


Rick's POV
I sit there with Jessie while Denise checks out Cody. When she gets done she comes over to us. "What happened to him?" Jessie asks scared. "Well it Seems Cody had a vision of Sam and it really spooked him. I think he just needs some rest but i think he'll be just fine." She tells us both. Me and Jessie both let out a sigh of relief. "Can he come home now?" I ask her. She nods her head. I let a small smile come onto my lips. Cody is just staring off into the distance. "Cody are you ready to go home?" I ask him. He slowly looks up at me and nods his head. He stands up. "I'm cold." He tells me. I nod my head and I take off my jacket and I pull it around his body and he puts his arms through the sleeves and he pulls the ends of them down. I pull him into my chest and I kiss the top of his head.
We walk out of the infirmary. When we get home me and Cody walk into the house where the rest of the group have gathered. After what happened earlier with him they wanted to stay close. Cody just keeps his gaze on the floor. "Hey why don't you just head on up I'll be up there in a minute." I tell him. He nods his head then walks up the stairs.

I look back at the group and Maggie is the first one to stand up. "What's wrong with him?" She asks me. I let out a sigh. "Well he had a vision of Sam and it spooked him but he should be alright after he has some rest." I tell them. They all look at each other unsure but nodded their heads.

I tell them I'll see them in the morning and good night. When I get up to the room I see Cody laying in bed just laying there not moving at all. "Hey are you ok?" I ask him. "Yes rick it's just I need some sleep." He tells me. I lay down next to him. He then lays his head on my chest. "Goodnight rick." He tells me. "Good night." I say kissing the top of his head.

Cody's POV

I wake up to see Sam sitting there in front of me. He looks sad. "Sam?" I ask. He looks at me. "I'm sorry. I never should have done what I did to you." He tells me. "So all the things. When I saw you all those other times. That was all real?" I ask shocked. "I told you I was a ghost." He says.
"Look I want you to know that you were a great brother and you didn't kill me." He says and before I can say anything he's gone.

But he's wrong. I'm not a great brother. I did get him killed.

Well now Cody can see ghosts so I just wanted to know what y'all think about that.

Yeah Denise will live because I just really loved her and I thought it was stupid for her to die but she will have that big moment her big speech just in a different book.

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