Season 6 Episode 1 First Time Again

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Cody's POV

I'm sitting at the table with Jessie putting bullets in our clips just as I'm done and I put everything away someone knocks on our door. I walk over to it and open it to see Maggie.    "Hey Maggie what can I do for you?" I ask her.   She smiles a bit.    "Look there's a meeting and Dianna said for everyone to come." She tells me and I nod my head.       "Ok we'll be there." I tell her with a smile.   She nods her head then  walks away.    I tell Jessie what Maggie said and she says let's go and we make our way to dianna's house.    When we get there, there's a lot of people here already.  I see rick standing there waiting for everyone to be quiet.                When everyone Is quiet rick begins to talk.    "Me and Morgan went out a little ways to bury Pete.   I was always wondering  how y'all haven't seen many walkers but now I know why....we found a big land fill and all the walkers have been falling into there.....trucks are keeping them in there for the moment but some of them are already getting out....we need to come up with a plan to lead them away from here." Rick says

"Can't we just leave them there after all you said that they were traped." A man says but rick shakes his head no. "Those trucks could fall any day now we need to do something before they get out and come for us." Rick tells him and I nod my head slowly. "So we're just supposes to fall in line behind you after you killed a man?" The guys ask and I look at him like he's crazy. Dianna looks at him.     "He's been out there. He's faced it. We're going to trust him.....all of us. If rick thinks that we need to do this then we need to do this." She says and rick nods towards her.

( nine hours later)

I'm in the armory counting all the boxes of bullets.   That's when rick walks in.     He sees me and smiles a bit.       
     "Hey I just came to get more flares." He tells me and I nod my head.    "Are you sure you want to come out there tomorrow you don't have to." Rick tells me but I just roll my eyes.     "Yeah I'm sure." I tell him. He nods his head then picks up a gun and hands it to me.    "Rick I don't need this." I tell him but he just shakes his head.

"You need to learn how to fight and I can teach you." He tells me. I put the gun on the table beside me and I pull one of my guns out of its holster.    Rick looks at it and sighs.       "As soon as I found out that we could have them I got two....Jessie gots one..she's learning from Daryl and then she's going to teach Ron.....your going to teach me and then I'm going to teach Sam." I tell him.

He nods his head then he leans in and kisses me.     "I just want you to be safe." He tells me.   I wrap my arms around him.    "I will be." I tell him.

The next day a few of us are helping build a little wall so the walkers are blocked off from this side of the road. Jessie is all the way across the road talking to Daryl.     I'm working by Michonne.       "So are you scared about what's about to go down here?" She asks me.     I nod my head a little.     "Yeah a bit but I know It'll be just fine.....Rick knows what he's doing." I tell her and she nods her head.

Just as I get done talking ten walkers come out of the trees. Some people back away other people ask for help. I pull my gun out and I fire. I shoot two walkers in the head and then that's when rick's group begins to help.

When we get back I see dianna sitting down on the side of the road. "Dianna are you ok?" I ask her she looks up at me and she slowly nods her head. "Yeah I'm fine." She tells me but I don't believe her. She sees this and let's out a sigh. "Do think I'm a good leader?" She asks me. I'm shocked at first but I get over it. "Yes I think your a good leader your always putting people first rather then yourself so yes you are a great leader." I tell her. She gives me a small smile and nods her head.   "Thanks Cody." She says to me with a small smile.    She gets up and walks away. I look up to see rick and a few others walking towards the main gate. I run over to him confused at what he's doing.     "Rick what's going on?" I ask him. He looks at me and let's out a sigh. "We're gonna go out there and go over the plan....don't worry we'll be back later." He tells me. I slowly nod my head and he walks away.       I see Daryl and Jessie saying goodbye to each other and then he leaves.   I run over to Jessie and we walk back home together.      "So I see you and Daryl are getting close." I say with a small smile.

She just rolls her eyes. "Yeah we are a little." She tells me and I nod my head agreeing with her.  Me her both begin to laugh.


I know this is a short chapter but I'm going to try and make the next one longer.

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