Episode 15 East

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Rick's POV
"Rick?" I look up to see Glenn. I look over to see Cody knocked out still. I then look back at Glenn. "What do you need?" I ask him. "It's Carol...she's gone and Daryl and Michonne went after her." He tells me. That's when I jump up out of my seat. "What?" I yell.

Jessie's POV
I can't deal with this. I let a sigh. "Please Cody you have to get through this." I say looking at a picture of him and me. "Please just be ok." I say. "Mom?" I turn around to see Ron. I just let the tears fall. Ron walks over to me and pulls me in for a hug. "It's going to be all right mom." He tells me. I let out some sighs. We pull apart and I stare into his eyes. "I'm gonna go check on Cody for you." He tells me. I give a small smile. When I hear the front door shut I slide down onto the ground. "I can't lose him...not after everything we've been through." I say looking up at the the ceiling. You have to make it through this Cody...you have to." I say to myself. I decide that it's best if I lay down do I go up stairs.

Ron's POV
I look at Cody still knocked out. I wish he would just wake up now. "It's crazy right?" I jump when I hear Denise's voice behind me. I look to see her looking at Cody. "What's crazy?" I ask her. "That he's laying in this bed I mean this is Cody we're talking about. He's the last person I thought that would end here you know?" She asks. I let out a sigh and nod my head. "Yeah I know." I say. She lets out a sigh. "But he's tough. Really tough and I know that he will make it through this...I just know it." She tells me.

I smile. "Thanks Denise." I say to her. She smiles. "No problem." She says. She walks off and I turn back around to stare at Cody. I then grab his hand. "Cody...please get better." I say with a sigh. I hear footsteps behind me and look behind me to see Carl. I smile just a little. "Hey Carl." I say. He smiles. "Hey Ron." Is all he says. "What are you doing over here?" I ask him."I came looking for you." He tells me. "Why?" I ask. "Because your my friend and I care about you...how is he doing?" He asks me. I turn back around to look at him. "I don really know...but I don't think he's doing to good." I say with a small sigh. Carl slowly nods his head. "It's gonna be ok Ron. Cody is strong he'll get through this. I know he will." Carl tells me. I smile. "Thanks man." I say he nods his head. "Ron." I hear a weak voice say. That's when I turn around to see Cody looking at me. I'm shocked at first and then I smile. "Your alright." I say with a small smile.

He gives me a small smile back. "Where's. where's Rick." He asks me.

"Rick left." Carl says. At that Cody looks down. "Jessie will want to see you though." I say with a small smile. He smiles. "I would love to see her." He tells me. I smile. "I'll go get her." I say.

I then grab carl'a shoulder and he follows me out of the room and into the hallway. "Do you care to sit with him until I come back?" I ask with pleading eyes. Carl nods his head. "Yeah no problem." He says. I smile. "Thank you." I say.

Carl's POV
I look at Cody and I let out a sigh. "Hey." He says smiling. I crack a smile. "How do you fill?" I ask taking a seat next to him. "I fill like shit." I say. That's when I chuckle. "Well I bet you would after getting hit by an arrow." I tell him and he rolls his eyes. "Well of course." He says. "Do you mind helping me up I need to take a shower." He says. "Is that safe I mean you just got shot like yesterday." I tell him. He lets out a sigh. "As long as I'm carful I just can't break my stitches." He tells me. I nod my head and then I stand up.

Jessie's POV
I take another sip of wine. This is all just too much. I can't lose Cody. I really just can't. Him and me we've been through so much together.

Flashback 10 years ago
Oh I just can't wait to be home. I say to my self. This bus ride is taking forever. Two years at college is enough school for me I don't need anymore school time. No thank you. That's when the bus stops. I smile. I stand up and I get my suitcase and I walk to the front of the bus. I smile at the bus driver then I get off the bus. That's when I see my mom and dad. I run over to them and I pull them into a hug. "Oh I've missed you guys so much." I say with a sad sigh. "Oh sweetie we've missed you too." She says. That's when I look at her stomach. "Mom your huge." I say and that's when she busts out laughing. "Well thanks for telling me I didn't notice." She says rolling her eyes. I then roll mine in return.

"We have something to tell you." My dad says. I just nod my head. "Well honey you see I'm pregnant." She says that's when I suck in a breath. Ok I was not seeing that coming. "Oh...huh...huh...i...um...well...i guess...you know what I'm happy for you two." I say and then I nod my head. She lets out a sigh. "Well it wouldn't of mattered anyways." She says and I chuckle. "Where's Cody?" I let out. "Oh he's over at the diner." Dad says. "I'm gonna go talk to him." I say. My mom nods her head. "Ok well we're having movie night to night so we need to up a few things we will come swing by the diner later to pick you up." My dad tells me taking my suitcase. I nod my head. I then walk across the street.

When I walk into the diner I see Cody sitting on a stool. I walk over to him and I sit in the stool next to him. That's when he looks at me and then he smile. Jessie!" He says then pulls me for a hug. I wrap my arms around him. "Oh I missed you so much." I say to him he laughs as he pulls away. "I missed you too." He says. I smile at him. "So what are you getting." I say picking up the menu.

"Well I knew you would be coming so I got our favorite." He tells me. Just as he says
that a waiter comes out with fried chicken and a grilled cheese with two chocolate milkshakes. I smile and then I let out a chuckle. "Of course you would get me this." I say pulling him in for a hug. " I love you." I say with love in my voice. "I love you too." He tells me. "Now lets eat." I say.

End of flashback

I let out a sad chuckle. Those were the good times. Oh yes they were the good times indeed. Now they're just filled with sadness. I hear the front door open but I don't look up. "Mom!" I hear Ron say. I fill his hand on my shoulder. I look up and I stare into his eyes. "What is it Ron?" I ask with a small sigh. "Cody's awake." He says and that's when my head jumps up. "What?" I say shocked and happiness fill within me. "Yeah come on." He says and that's when I jump up from my spot on the ground and then I run out the door not even waiting for him. When I get to Denise's house I bust through the door. That's when I see Cody walking out of the bathroom. I let out a shaky gasps. I run over to him and I pull him into a hug. "Your alive." I say with a happy laugh with tears in my eyes. "Your alive."

I'm sorry I know I haven't updated in forever and I'm so sorry. I thank the ones that have stayed with this story.

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