Episode 2 JSS

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Cody's POV

Me and Jessie are washing the dishes right now. "How do you feel now that Pete's gone?" I ask her as I dry the plate she just handed me and I put it in the cabinet. She lets out a sigh. "I feel like I can do just about anything without having to  worry about Pete hurting me or Ron." She tells me and I nod my head. "I'm glad I don't have to worry about Sam getting hurt by Pete." I tell her and she nods her head understanding. "I just wish Ron would understand that Pete was dangerous." She says and I nod my head. " hey he'll come around." I tell her. She looks at me and then she nods her head.

"So how has the training been going?" I ask her. She smiles a bit. "It's been going great." She tells me and I nod my head. "What about you?" She asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "I'm getting there." I tell her and she nods her head.

We get done cleaning and we both let out a sigh. "I think I'm going to give myself a haircut." Jessie says and I nod my head. "Alright well I'll be up stairs." I tell her and she nods her head.

Jessie's POV

I just got done cutting my hair. I guess while I have all this stuff out I might as well cut Ron's hair as well. "Hey Ron can you come down here?" I ask but I don't get a response. "Ron!" I yell up the stairs. Soon enough I hear him running down the stairs. When he gets in here he lets out a sigh. "No." He says and I let out a sigh.

"Ron come on I just gave myself one." I tell him not really in the mood to have a fight with him. "I don't want a hair cut!" He tells me. "Come on don't make me do it next week." I say to him. "This is just a way for you to talk to me." He says and I can tell he's a bit pissed off. "We do need to talk there are things you need to know. Things you need to learn." I tell him. "Are you serious This is bull shit!" He screams at me. "What is it....do you..do you blame me for what happened?" I ask him but he doesn't say anything. "Raise you right hand above your head.......you can't. Pete was dangerous!" I tell him.

"Rick is dangerous!" He screams at me. "This has nothing to do with him." I say. "Oh what is he your friend now?" Ron asks and I nod my head. "Yeah he's my friend." I tell him. He just shakes his head and walks away. I let out a very long sigh. Dam it!

Maggie's POV

I'm outside the gates now with dianna trying to get her to snap out if it. "This is where we'll plant crops." I tell her but she just looks down. "What's the point?" She asks me and I let out a sigh.       "Look you've been though  a lot. Lost just about everyone in your family but you still got to keep fighting for this place." I tell her she looks up at me and sighs.    "Reg always wanted to grow crops." She tells me and I smile at her and we both begin to dig.

Cody's POV

I'm on my bed cleaning my guns.  Daryl taught me how before he left with rick and the others.  Before I know it I hear people screaming.     I run over to my window to see people climbing up the walls and stabbing people. I run out of my room to see Sam holding onto
Jessie's hand.    "Sam I have to find Ron!" She says and after that we hear the front door open.      We all run to the closet and get in.   We then lock it from the inside.     We used this closet for when Pete got to drunk. We would all come in here.    Jessie tells me to get in the back with Sam and that's what I do.     Jessie pulls out her gun and aims it at the door.   I pull one of my guns out and I do the same.    That's when two people walk by the door and that's when Sam leans into me and I Hold him tight.

Maggie's POV

"Come on Dianna we need to get in there." I tell her.    There was an alarm going off five minutes ago but it stopped.   That's when Dianna stops I look and I see a truck and spencer over there.        "Spencer oh thank goodness." She says pulling him into a hug.     "I'm so glad that your ok." She says with a small smile.          "We need to get back in there and help." I tell them.     "I can't I don't have a gun and I'd just be another person you have to protect......the best thing I can do for them is to stay out here." She tells me and I nod my head.     "Keep her safe." I say to spencer and he nods his head.    "I will." He says and that's when I run off.

Cody's POV

I don't hear anything anymore.    "Alright there's no one here." A man says then I hear people running out.   That's when Jessie unlocks the closet door.        "What are you doing?" I ask her she turns around and stares at me.      

"I have to go find Ron." She tells me I grab her arm telling her to wait.  I turn back around and stare at Sam. "Sam I have to help her but I'll be back lock the door." I say then I pull  my other gun out and I hand it to him.        "Please don't go." He says.      "Be brave." I tell as then me and her both leave the safety off the closet.        I wait until I hear the door lock and then I move.   Jessie moves towards the kitchen but I move towards the living room.

I don't see anyone. "Stay outside Ron!" Jessie screams and that's when I turn around to see two men run at me I shoot one guy in the head but the other guy grabs my arm. The gun goes off a few times then I drop it. The man kicks me in the stomach and I lose my breath for a second. He then punches me in the face and then he kicks me out of a window. The glass cuts into my arm but I'm not worried about that at the moment.

My vision is blurry at first but then I see a medium size piece of glass laying right next to me. I slowly grab it. Someone then turns me around. I see the other man that was attacking me. Before I know it I lunge at him and I shove the piece of glass into  the man's neck. Blood gushes out and I pull the piece of  glass out and then begin to stab him in the head with it over and over again until I let out a sob. I just killed two people. I begin to cry harder now. But that's when I see another man down the road and he's running right towards me. I pull the piece of glass out and try to run back Into the house but the man grabs my leg. I fall on the steps and let out a scream and I can't see right because I just keep crying.

"Jessie!" I scream but I don't see her. That's when I hear a shot and I see the man go limp. I look up to see Jessie. I just lay there. I'm to out of it to even think right. I guess Jessie didn't kill the man because he try's to grab me but I just shove the piece of glass in his chest and I start stabbing the man in the chest crying and screaming. When I stop I see that he's dead. I stab him in the head so he doesn't turn.

Jessie comes over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Are you alright?" She asks me but I just shake my head no. I begin to cry in her shoulder.


Well here goes another chapter I hope you like it and this will be it for at least four days at least that

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