Chapter 1

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I woke up at 7 giving me enough time to get ready. I got out of bed and grabbed my toiletry bag and made my way to the shared bathroom of the frat/dorm. I’m a freshman in college and this place was all I could afford. My room isn’t too bad. I knocked on the door. No reply. I opened the door to find a blonde guy with tattoos littering his body brushing his teeth at the sink. His hair is damp but it still looks good. I draw my gaze lower to his chest. He has a perfect display of abs, damn. I can’t help but look lower. A towel is wrapped around his waist. Damn it. Wait what am I thinking? He turns his head to look at me.  His deep blue eyes stare directly into mine. He smirks. “Well hello love.” His raspy voice lets out. He has a god damn accent. Irish one. Compares nothing to my plain barely British one. “Uh, sorry. I knocked.” “No worries I’m done anyways.” He says coolly. With that he walks out and shuts the door. I lean against the door and close my eyes. What has gotten into me? *** I get out of the shower after 5 minutes of warm water washing over my body. I wrap a towel around my body and grab my clothes. I open the door and take off towards my room. Once inside I blow dry my hair and plug in my curler. I slip into a black skirt and pull a dark red and black tribal print crop top over my head. I go over to my vanity and apply some light makeup to my face. Then I begin to curl my hair. 20 minutes later and my hair is done. My hands wander through my ombre hair making it a little wavier. I get my bag ready for today. I finally slip on my white converses and I’m ready for my first class at the UW. My first day of college, can I get any more nervous? I make my way towards Starbucks. White girls and coffee huh? I order my usual Grande Vanilla Latte with a Vanilla Scone. Simple but delicious. After about 10 minutes of consuming my ‘breakfast’ I start to head to my first class of the day. I always like to get to class a little early. Class starts in 5 minutes and students soon begin to file in. I get a couple of wolf whistles from guys when they walk by me and a couple of death glares from girls. Great start to my first day. The bell rings and everyone is in their sits. I decided to sit on the edge of the last row so I can make a quick escape at the end of class. I didn’t really bother with school in middle and high school. I need try to make an effort in school now. I was shaken from my thoughts by the door opening and slamming. In walked the guy from this morning in the bathroom, he was wearing tight fitted black jeans, a white V-neck and black converse and behind him was two guys. I paid close attention to one guy in particular. He had curly brown hair and his clothes did him well. He was quite attractive. Hell they were all attractive. The guy next to him had messy black hair. The professor clears his throat awakening my drooly state. “Nice of you to join us gentlemen.”  He rang out. “You’re lucky we even came to class.” Barked back the guy with messy black hair. “Take your seats.” The professor said a little harshly. They all scoffed and looked in my direction. The blonde from this morning smirked and sat to the seat next to mine. His buddies sat next to him as well. “You’re in my seat babe.” He whispered. “Oh. Um. Sorry ill move.” I say about to get up. He grabs my wrist pulling me down. “It’s okay. Don’t let it happen again.” He growls into my ear. I can’t help but get a shiver up my spine. The bell finally rings signally the end of class. I quickly gathered my stuff and made my way to the door, only to have a hand grip my wrist tightly and pulled me back. My head whipped around to be facing the blonde. “What the hell?” I say rather stern. “Calm down, babe.” He smirks. “Don’t call me babe.” “Then what do I call you.” “My names Jade.” “Jade. Pretty name for a pretty face.” I heard some snickers behind him. His friends were listening intently to our conversation. “Um, can I help you?” I say quite bitchy. “Damn chill out.”  The curly haired said. “Harry.” The blonde said glaring at the curly I mean Harry. I look around the class room to find the room mostly empty. I turn around and started to walk out. “Bye bitch.” I hear one of the guys call. I roll my eyes, mentally high-fiving myself for not going back there and hitting him where the sun don’t shine. Thank god it’s Friday. I have five more classes to get through before I can call it a day.

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