Chapter 27

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“Thanks, again for picking me up.” I smile, buckling up my seatbelt. “No problem.” Louis, smiles back at me from the rearview mirror.

I notice, how he’s holding onto to Addison’s hand across the seat divider thingy.

And it’s adorable.

Throughout the ride, I catch Louis stealing glances towards Addison every couple of minutes.

We stop at a stop light, and Louis takes his free hand turns on the radio.

Isn’t She Lovely, comes out of the speakers, and Louis hums softly to the melody.

“Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful

Isn't she precious

Less than one minute old

I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love.”

 Louis sings softly to Addison, kissing her hand. Making her smile and giggle.

Man, they are so cute.

After about driving for 30 minutes, the car comes to a stop and I notice none of the area is familiar and the trees surrounds us and the darkness provides us no light what so ever.

“We have to walk just a bit.” Louis announces, after he helps Addison out of the car. He intertwines their hands and they begin the walk to the cabin, with my trailing behind them.

“Ah, this is scary.” Addison squeals. “I’ll keep you safe.” Louis mutters into her hair, after he places a kiss.

“I’m going to puke.” I groan. ‘Oh, shut up Jade.” Addison sticks her tongue out at me. I push past them, and I smack Addison on the bum. “Hey, I felt that!” She laughs, now it’s my turn to stick my tongue out at her.

I lead the way to the cabin and we get there soon enough. The music is already blaring and there are tons of people there already and half of them are already drunk, it’s not even 8 o’clock yet!

“Jade! You made it!” Harry hugs me when I walk through the door.

“Yeah! I came with Addison and Louis.” I turn around, but they aren’t there anymore.

“Well, they were here just a second ago.” “Do you want a drink?” ‘Sure.” He grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen.

He pours some kind of alcohol liquid into a red solo cup and I chug it down in less than 3 gulps, and he refills my cup. “Niall’s here.” He smirks.


"In the living room with Drew and Alex.” I scrunch my nose at those names, my least favorite people.

“Refill please.” I give my cup to Harry.

“That’s your third one, and it hasn’t even been 10 minutes.” He laughs, but obliges my request. “I want to get wasted and forget about everything for few hours.”

“Well, then you came to the right place.” He smirks and hands me a full cup of alcohol.

*** Quite a few cups later, and I am beyond drunk. It’s past midnight and the party is still going hard, and I haven’t seen Niall once, which is weird.

“BODY SHOTS!” Someone yells in the kitchen.  I grab my now empty cup and steer myself in the direction of the kitchen.

“Who’s up?”

“Me!” I scream, lifting myself onto the counter.

“Okay, now who’s the lucky guy?”

“Me.” I hear a familiar raspy voice.

Drew. Fuck, anyone but Drew. The guy hands Drew, the tequila, lime, and salt.

“Drew, no.” But I’m silenced, when he sticks the wedge of lime in my mouth. I roll my eyes in defeat. He looks at me in the eyes, and gives me a smirk.

He lifts up my shirt and it bunches underneath my bra.

He trails salt starting above my jeans and up along my stomach, stopping just below my bra and continues it on my neck.

He puts the shot glass now full of tequila by my head and the guy starts the count down.

“1..2..3..GO!” Drew leans down, and his tongue connects to my stomach and the touch his cool and refreshing and I hate to admit it but it feels good.

His tongue picks up all the salt and his mouth meets mine and teeth squeeze the lime and he downs the shot.

Everyone is cheering and he helps me up.

“Best body shot ever.” He compliments me. “Alright who’s next?” “Want a drink?” I nod my head, not able to find the words. He comes back and hands me a drink, and I drink it down fast.

This is even stronger than all the drinks I had combined, if that’s possible. I open my eyes and I blink.

My head is getting dizzy and body is going into shut down mood, I stumble and Drew reaches out and catches me. “How bout we go find a room?” “I-i..i don’t.” I stutter. He lifts me up, and helps me walk up the stairs.

He finds a room at the end of the hall and he pushes me in and I fall on the bed. I hear a lock click, and I realize he locked the door.

“Drew, no.. n-no.” “Jade, yes..y-yes.” He mimics me. He reaches for my hand to pull me on my feet.

My hands fly up to his chest and I try to push him back but he forces me onto the mattress, with him landing   on top of me.

He leans down and begins to suck on my neck and it hurts like hell.

“Stop.” I yell. Drew stops and looks at me with anger in his eyes.

“I always get what I want and I want you.” He rips my shirt off of me. “Fuck, you’re so hot.” He unbuckles his belt.

Fuck, this isn’t happening. He pulls his jeans off and his shirt, so now he’s left in just his boxers and I’m in my bra and jeans still.

“You’re covering just a little too much.” He laughs, while he undoes my jeans and sliding them down my legs.

A tear spills down my cheek and I whimper softly.

“Don’t be scared, you’ll love this.” His voice is dark and scary. He reconnects are lips and his hands travel down to my underwear and they graze the top of it.

I forcedly bit down on his lip and blood squirts out and he jumps up, crying out in pain. “You bitch!” He screams.

He pulls me by my hair and slams me down on the ground, my back is on fire.

“You’ll pay for that. Get on your fucking knees.” He growls.

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