Chapter 18

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The food arrives and I’m still sitting on Niall. I got to say I rather sit on Niall then a chair. He’s so damn comfy. We all ate in silence other than the casual ‘This food is good.’  And ‘oh can I have some of that.’ The food was delicious best Chinese food I have ever eaten. “So, Jade. Are you still coming to my show?” Harry says, breaking the silence. “Yeah. We are.” Niall answers for me. Harry rolls his eyes and looks down at his half eaten plate of food. I elbow Niall in his stomach, hopefully he’ll get the message. “So who’s all going?” I ask. “All of us.” Liam smiles. Great, Alex is going. “Jade, you can’t still be mad at me!” Alex fakes being sad. “Your pathetic.” I spat. “Ladies, please not again.” Drew smirks. “No, I want to see this. That bitch deserves it.” Addison interrupts pointing at Alex. “Bitch!?” Alex screeches. She lunges for Addison across the table, but Addison quickly ducks, Alex lands on nothing but the hard ground. Everyone starts erupt in laughter. “Opps.” Addison says, covering her mouth. “Let’s get out of here.” Niall whispers in my ear. Niall grabs my hand and leaves a $20 on the table. Everyone follows us outside except Alex, I’m pretty sure she’s still on the floor in shock. “Well, bye guys.” Niall says, all of us going our separate ways to our cars. “Well, that was fun.” I muttered as soon as Niall started the car. “Peachy.” He responds, pulling out of the lot. “Do you want to stay again tonight? Or do you want me to drop you off at your place?” Niall asks. “Um. Well, I left my stuff at your place.” “My place it is.” He smiles.  *** “I’ll be in the bedroom.” Niall calls from the hall. “Okay.” I call back. I place the kettle on the stove, and I wait for it to boil. I quickly go to the bathroom and I take off all my makeup. I’ll take a shower tomorrow morning. The bathroom door opens and Niall is leaning against the doorway, arms crossed against his bare chest. He looks like a model I swear it. I see he’s still wearing his jeans. “Stop staring it’s rude.” He snorts. I roll my eyes and try to exit the bathroom but Niall is blocking the door. “Move.” I say. “Nope.” He says, popping the p. “Please, move?” I raise an eyebrow. “Kiss me, and I’ll move.” “Looks, like I better get comfortable in here.” I say. “Oi! That hurt!” He grabs his heart. “Shut up and kiss me.” I say. He doesn’t think twice about it, he leans in and presses his lips against mine. His nose rubs against my nose, and gives me a tingle sensation. Niall pulls away and backs up, leaving me some space to exit. He shuts the door behind me and I trot my way to the living room. I lay flat on my stomach on the couch and I close my eyes. I’m awoken from my sleepy state by Niall jumping on my back. “Ow!” I yell in pain. “Whoops, I didn’t realize you were laying there.” He chuckles. “Get off of me.” I pout. “Nah, you’re pretty comfy.”  He stretches out on my backside. His head is placed in the crook of my neck. “I always like to be on top.” He whispers in my ear. His voice is so raspy. It’s extremely sexy. As quickly as I can I flip Niall over, so I’m straddling his lap. I pin his arms over his head, and I bring my mouth to his neck. “I prefer to be on top.” I purr into his neck. Who the hell was that? And what did you do with Jade!? I let go of Niall’s arms and he places them on the side of my face. He reaches up and he places his lips on top of mine. His lips are soft and so kissable. We both break away from the kiss at the same time and I lay my head on his chest. “Hey, we should do go out and do something.” He says, combing his fingers through my hair. “It’s almost 11.” “So.” “Alright.” I get off of him and I hold out my hand for him. He graciously took my hand and I helped him up. We make it to the front door and I ask, “Aren’t you gonna wear a shirt?” “Nah, I got some in the car.” “Okay, you’re gonna freeze your ass off.” I laugh. “Then you’ll have to warm me up.” He winks. We walk the short distance to his car, hand in hand. I could get use to this. I have only had one boyfriend in the past we lasted about a year and a half. He swiped my V card from me and dumped me the next day, romantic isn’t it? “Okay, where are we going?” I ask. Niall makes a few turns and we finally come to a stop in front of a building I don’t recognize. “It’s a surprise.” “I hate surprises.” “I know. Now come here.” He motions me over. I sign but trudge to him.  “I’m gonna lift you up and over the wall.” “WHAT? Are you crazy?” “Yeah, haven’t you noticed?” He winks. “Ugh. Fine, don’t drop me.” “I’ll catch you.” Niall lifts me up onto the wall and I jump down. The jump wasn’t as steep as I thought it would be. I look around but it’s hard to see anything. “Niall?” I turn around to see him jumping down from off the wall. Damn, he’s still shirtless. “Hold on a sec.” He says, disappearing into the dark. In few seconds a bunch of twinkling lights come on and I see he has brought me to a pool. But it’s not like an ordinary pool. It’s got a whole garden surrounding it. Beautiful plants and shrubs surround the concrete joined by the pool. It’s absolutely beautiful. “What is this place?” I ask, Niall when he rejoins me. “The lads and I built this place.” “What? No way. It’s so beautiful, how did you guys build this?” “It’s a secret.” “I’m going to grab some clothes from the car, why don’t you have a look around.” He smiles, before climbing up the wall and jumping down on the other side. I walk to the edge of the water. The liquid substance is not even real. Well, of course it’s real, just doesn’t look real in my eyes. I dip my fingers in and it’s warm. Like a big Jacuzzi. The color is a bright yet dark bluish green. It’s so beautiful. I walk over to the start of the dirt trail, leading me into the garden, would I even call it a garden? It seems like it could go on for miles. “Jade? Where did you go?” Niall calls. Hahaha. He can’t find me. I quickly duck behind a tree and hold my breath. “Oh, Jade.” Niall sing songs. He’s getting closer. All of sudden a pair of big strong arms wrap around my waist and swung me around his shoulders. “Found you.” Niall snickers. I stick my tongue out at him and ask him a question that I’ve been meaning to ask. “If you built this place, why did he have to hop the wall? Don’t you have a key or something?” “Because, I’ve haven’t been here for ages. Been years. And I lost the key.” He mumbles the last part. “Ah. How long have you lived here?” “I moved here from Ireland when I was 16. Where are you originally from?” “Bristol. I moved here when I was 6. My mother died here, and my sister too. So, I had to move back to England until I turned 18 and moved back here, I lived with an old family friend for a while then here I am.” I say, trying not to cry with the mention of my sister. Niall pulls me into a deep hug and I hug him back. But I quickly release myself from the hug and I start to run to the water. “Last one in is ugly!” I shout behind me, while pulling  the sleeves of my cardigan down. Niall sprints after stripping out of his jeans and discarding his shoes and socks fast. Unfair. By the time I stripped out of my jeans, Niall was already in the water. For fucks sake. I chuck all my clothes to the side, right beside his clothes. I turn around to have Niall smirking at me. I sit down and I put my feet in the water, it feels amazing. “Looks like your ugly.” He laughs, swimming up next to my legs. “Thanks.” “Relax, your nowhere near ugly. Your perfection.” His Irish accent gives me such feels. Without hesitation Niall tugs my feet from underneath me sending me flying into the water. “Niall!” I scream, when I surface.

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