Chapter 11

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It takes me about 10 minutes to get to Niall’s. I see he lives in some sort of condo. His house number is 18. I drive around the lot looking for parking. I finally spot a place and I get out of my car and walk towards his place. I don’t know why I agreed to talk to him. I knock, actually more like pound on his door. He answers on the second knock. He’s only wearing grey sweats. Damn, he looks so fucking good. I mean, he’s looks gross. But his tattoos are visible. And it is so hot. “Come in.” He mumbles. I walk right in. I look around his place and I’m surprised by how clean it is. It’s quite an adorable little flat. I’m taken back when I walk around to each room. Every room is well furnished and it has a nice vibe to it. I walk back to the living room, and I sit down on the couch. Niall comes in the room seconds later, sitting next to me. “I couldn’t find you, I thought you got lost.” Niall teased. “Don’t act like nothing happened.” I snarled. The smile from his face disappeared. “Why did you say that to me?” I asked. “Because, I was angry. And I say crazy shit when I’m angry. I didn’t like the way you guys touched. That should be us.” “Niall. Just stop. You even said that you don’t want to date me. So there is no us.” “Jade. I’m sorry okay?” Niall spoke. “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. “Jade, don’t be like that.” “I’m sorry.” I mumbled. “Are you still ditching with me tomorrow?” “Yeah, I guess.” “You promise?” “I promise.” I said, finally looking him in the eyes. “Good, now would you like me to give you a tour?” He asks. “That would be lovely.” I smile. “I love your smile.” He says looking down. His cheeks start to turn a cheery red. He’s adorable when he’s embarrassed. He shows me every room in his house. When we finished we are back in the living room. “Okay, it’s official I’m in love with this place.” I giggle. “I knew you would like it.” He smiles. “Do you want to stay a little longer? Perhaps we can watch a movie.” “I would love to.” I say. “Good, I’ll go make some popcorn and grab us some drinks, why don’t you pic a movie and pop it in the player yeah?” Niall says. I nod my head and he leaves the room. I look through his stacks of movies. I finally find a movie that we would enjoy, or I would enjoy. I smile to myself before putting Insidious in. I love scary movies. I hope Niall doesn’t freak out. I turn off the light and sprawl out on the couch, waiting for Niall. He comes back in the room, and says, “Nope, no that isn’t gonna work. Move your ass.” I smirk at him, but I don’t move. He sets down the bowl of popcorn and drinks, and he comes up to me. He looks at me before he starts to smirk. What is he up to? My thoughts are interrupted when Niall brings his hands to my sides. Gently stroking them. It feels nice, until he starts to tickle me. “NIALL STOP, I CANT BREATHE.” I laugh. But he still tickles me. “Niall stop.” I scream. He stops tickling me. “You’re so fucking adorable.” He breathes. ‘Now move, before I tickle you again.” He smirks. I get up, and Niall quickly steals my seat. “Now where do I seat?” I ask dumbly he pats his lap. I don’t hesitate to sit on top of Niall. He’s so comfy. He places the bowl of popcorn on my lap, and he grabs the remote and pushes play. Once, he realizes what I picked out he flips out. “NO. NO. NO. We are not watching this.” He screams, covering his eyes. “Man up, Horan.” I mumble. “Fine, only for you.” He mumbles back. I snuggle back into him. We started the movie and it wasn’t as bad, as I expected. Oh, but was I wrong. It was actually really scary. I jumped up a few times and once I knocked the popcorn bowl right off my lap. That only made Niall laugh. When I got scared, Niall soothed me by rubbing circles on my back with his hands. That calmed me down. “Are you okay?” He asked me, when I turned around and buried my face into his shoulder. I shook my head. “It’s okay, it’s only a movie.” He whispered, rubbing my back once again. I calmed down. And just laid on Niall. “I’ll keep you safe.” He whispered. I could barely hear him. I don’t think he wanted me to hear that, but I did. We continued to watch the movie. When it was over, Niall smirked at me and said, “Wasn’t as bad as I expected.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Well, I got to get home.” I say standing up, walking to the door. Niall follows me to the front door. “Goodnight Niall.” I say kissing him on his lips. He pulls away after a few seconds. “Goodnight Jade, I’ll pick you up at 10.” He says, placing a kiss on my nose. I walk outside and start the short drive to my room. *** I wake up the next morning at 8:30. I quickly jump in the shower. Once, I get out I dry off and blow dry my hair. I change into some light acid wash jeans, a long grey cardigan and some white converses. I plug in my curling iron, while its heating up I apply some mascara to my eyes. Since, Niall likes my natural face; I won’t go overboard with the makeup. I curl my already wavy hair, and wave it out even more when I’m done curling it. I clock at the clock and it’s 9:20. I have time to kill. I spray some perfume all over my body. I smell good, I grin. I grab my bag, and put my wallet, and keys inside. I call Addison, then I realize she’s probably in class, but it’s too late she already picked up. “Hey Jade!” she chirps into the phone. “Hey!” “You called?” She questions. “Yeah, I just wanted to see how yesterday went with Louis.” I wink, oh wait she can’t see me. “OH MY GOD. IT WA THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. I CAN’T BELIEVE YESTURDAY HAPPEN. SPEAKING OFF LOUIS HE SAYS HI. I’M AT HIS FLAT.” She squeals.  “Hey Lou.” I say. We continue to talk until, I say goodbye, leaving them alone. I grab my stuff and walk outside to wait for Niall. I take a seat on the curb and wait. Okay, it’s 10:30. Where the hell are you Niall? My thoughts are answered when Niall pulls up and honks at me. I climb into the car. “Sorry I’m late love. I had to stop and get a few things. You look nice.” He says eyeing me up and down.  “It’s okay.” I say, forcing a smile. “Where are we going?”  I ask when he turns onto the highway. “It’s a surprise.” “I told you I don’t like surprises.”  I mumble. “You’ll love this surprise.” He reassures me. I turn on the radio, and I’m surprised when I hear Ed Sheerans soft voice flow through the speakers. I look at Niall and I raise my eyebrows. “What? I like him.” He says, “I’m surprised.” “Why? You thought I would have like heavy metal blast through the car?” He jokes. “Yeah I did actually.” “Not me.” He turns the music on louder. He hums along to Lego House. One of my favorite songs by him. He’s such a talented singer. His voice is incredible. I look out the window when he turns down a gravel road. “Okay, where are we?” “A place that only I know about. I haven’t been here for months though.” He says. The scenery is breathtaking. Dust and dirt blow behind us. It sure is bumpy. I can hear the birds chirp in the distance. And there are tons of flowers and plants. I will admit I love nature. We continue down the dirt path until we reach a grass field. It’s so beautiful. Niall stops the car, and we both get out. The field is huge, probably a few miles long. I look around and I hear water splashing. What? “There’s a waterfall, just over there. Beyond the hill. It’s quite beautiful. The waterfall.” He says, noting my confusion. “Oh.”  I say. I’m gonna grab some stuff from the back. Go on down there, I’ll meet you down there.” He says. I nod, and begin to walk in the direction he pointed to. I can hear the birds flying around me, and the wind is blowing in my hair. I swirl around, and I hear Niall’s voice call from behind me. “What are you doing?” He laughs. I shrug my shoulders. I wait for him to catch up, and I grab some stuff from him. “Thanks.” He says. “What is all this stuff.” I ask. “I just brought a lunch, some towels, a blanket, a stereo and a camera. “Why a camera?” I ask. “Oh. Um. I don’t know. I just brought it I guess.” He says, blushing. “You’re cute when I blush.” ‘I am?” He says. “Yeah.” “I’m not supposed to be cute.” He mumbles under his breath. We walk down the hill, and I gasp. The view is amazing. The waterfall is just, breathtaking. “I knew you would like it.” Niall states, when we get the bottom. “I don’t like it. I love it.” I smile. Niall sets all the stuff down and I follow his actions. He spreads a blanket out on the grass, and places everything neatly on top of it. I never expected him to be so neat and organized. Once, he finishes setting up, he stands up and begins to strip his clothes off. “What are you doing?” “Going swimming babe.” He winks. He still has on his boxers. Damn it. Wait, I mean good. My stomach flutters when he calls me babe. He jumps into the water and he makes big splashes in the water. “How is it?” I ask when he resurfaces. “It feels amazing. Will you join me?” He smiles. “I don’t have a suit.” I frown. “Just wear your underwear. I won’t look. That much.”  He winks. Ugh, Taking chances I pull my shirt up and over my head and I feel Niall’s eyes burn into my chest. Yeah, I have breasts, no way! I pull off my shoes and pull down my pants, stepping out of them. “Jade, your body is fucking beautiful.” Niall says. I walk towards the water edge; I look down towards the water. I’m not that great of a swimmer and I don’t know how deep it is. “It’s not that deep.” Niall says, answering my thoughts. I take a deep breath, and I jump. The eater hits my body and I’m surprised by how warm it is. It’s clear water which is odd. I was expecting murky muddy water. When I come back up for air, Niall is looking at me funny. “Your. Um makeup. Is um. All over your face.” Niall laughs. Shit, I forgot I put on mascara. I quickly go back under water and rub my face. When I resurface, Niall laughs and says, “Much better.” I splash him, that surprised him. I quickly turn around and dive down. But Niall was too quick and he grabbed my ankle, pulling me towards him. “Did you just splash me?” He looks at me. “Maybe. Was it something like this?” I bat my lashes, before I splash him with a huge wave. He let go of me and I quickly swam away. I came up for air and I could hear him nearing me. I dove right back under until I was behind the water fall. It was gorgeous back here. “Jade?” I hear Niall call. He doesn’t know I’m back here, loser. I laugh to myself. I must’ve laughed to loud, because Niall finds me. “There you are.” He says, his voice raspy like usual. I plug my nose and plunge to the bottom. I think I went down to far, my foot gets tangled up, and I can’t get free. I can hear Niall’s faint voice call out my name. My eyes start to get heavy and it’s getting harder to breathe. Is this how I’m going to die? GREAT. Just as I was about to pass out, a strong arm wrap around my waist and tries to tug me up, but it’s no use my foot is still caught. His foot latches onto my ankle and tugs. Relief rushes through my body when he frees my ankle. He holds onto me tight and swims to the surface. I hold on tight, until he sets me down on a rocky surface, still behind the waterfall. I cough up some access water. “Jade, oh my god. Are you okay? You scared me half the death. What the hell were you thinking?” He says angrily. “I wasn’t thinking.” I mumbled. “Thank you.” I whispered. “I would do it again.”  “Can we go under the waterfall?” I ask. “Sure. But you have to hold onto me. I’m not losing you like that again.” I hold onto his hand while he jumps back into the water with me. He moves swiftly to the waterfall and we walk into together. I roll my head back, this feels amazing. We make it to the other side, and Niall lets go of me. My feet hits the bottom surface. “Are you okay?” I asked. “I need you to kiss me.” “Why?” “Please, just kiss me.” I lean into him and I kiss him. He lifts me up by my legs, and I wrap them around his waist. My hands connect together behind his neck. His tongues enters my mouth. This kiss was so passionate. I lose myself on to his lips. His lips are so soft and he tastes like, like mint and cherries? That’s a weird. But the combination is to die for. He holds onto to me tighter, not wanting to let go. I don’t blame him, I could stay like this for a while. We finally pull away, and we both smile. “Let’s get dried off and eat yeah?” “Yes, that sound good.” He holds onto me, while we back our way to the blanket. He heads me a towel, and dries himself off with his. ‘Do want me to get you some different clothes?” “Um, yeah sure. I don’t really want to wear jeans. To uncomfortable.” I frown. “I’ll be right back.” He says, before climbing the hill. I finish drying off and sit down on the blanket. I sort through some cds he brought and I pick Ed Sheerans cd of course. I pop it into the stereo and blast Give Me Love through the little speakers.

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