Chapter 4

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*** Harry decided to drive me home, once he figured out I walked all the way there. So, here I am in my pajamas lying in my bed, thinking about what Alex told me. Is it really true? Or is she just saying it? It has to be true. It makes perfect sense. Stupid boys. Should I still even go on the date with Niall? I mean he basically said yes to fucking Alex right in front of me. Fuck it I’ll still go on the date with him. He better buy my dinner. The next morning I receive a text from Alex. How in the hell did she get my number?

From: Alex

Thanks for not saying anything. I advise you not say anything at all about what I told you. If you do, you’ll regret it.

What she’s threating me now? What does she by I’ll regret it? Dumb, bitch. I glance at the clock trying to forget that text. I have 8 hours until he picks me up. What do I do till then? How bout I get some more sleep. Sounds good. *** When I wake up from my little nap it’s already 3 PM.  I guess I could draw for a while then get ready. I get my sketch pad out of my bookshelf and sit on my bean bag chair. What should I draw? A sun? No. A flower? No. Me? No. Before I know it I’m sketching out Niall’s facial elements. It’s something I couldn’t stop drawing, and that’s weird. Like when you’re reading a really good book and you can’t put it down, because your so lost in it. that’s exactly how I feel when I draw, most importantly how I feel right now, drawing Niall. When I get lost in my drawing I can’t be stopped. By the time I look at the clock it already 5. Shit. Do I have enough time to get ready? I plug in my curling iron and head to the bathroom with my toothbrush. I quickly brush my teeth and sprint to my room. I curl my hair, shaking it out just a bit. That took my about 30 minutes. I scan my closet finding something suitable to wear. I end up wearing a coral skater skirt, white lace crop top and some white converse. Not to fancy but not to boyish. If that’s a word. I add a small line of eyeliner to my eyelid and my waterline. Two coating my eyelashes with mascara. Finally I swipe my lips with clear lip gloss. I glance at myself in the mirror. Damn. I look good.  By the time I grab my bag, there’s a knock at my door. I take one more glance at my mirror fixing my hair just alittle. I rush to the door. Why am I so nervous? I’ve been on dates before and I’m never nervous. I open the door to find Niall, wearing tight black pants, a red shirt, and a denim jacket with black sleeves. He looks really good. With his hair all gelled up in a messy look.  And his tats. And his piercings. Fuck. Am I drooling? “You look beautiful love.” Niall says. “Th..thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself.” I respond. “Shall we go?” Niall asks, grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers. I swear to god if my hand is sweaty. “Don’t be nervous babe.” Niall whispers in my ear once we make it to his car. “I’m not.” He chuckles before opening my door, helping me in. he shuts my door and makes his way to the driver’s side.  I’m surprised by how clean Niall’s car is. No beer bottles or cigarette packets.  Not even just loose garbage. Not even condoms.. “Surprised?” Niall asks answering my thoughts. “Usually guys have trashed cars, just like their rooms.” I say. He looks at me and smirks. A smile spreads across my face. “So where are you taking me?” “You’ll see. “ He whispers. Damn it. I hate surprises. “I hate surprises.” I groan. “What!? You don’t like surprises. What’s wrong with you?” He almost screams. “I’m sorry, I get nervous with surprises and I stress out.” I say. “Oh love. Don’t worry I’m not gonna murder you.” Niall laughs. “Well, that’s good!” I giggle. “I like your laugh.” Niall says, before relizng what he said. His cheeks start to get red. I never thought I would see Niall like this. I expected him to be all, Goth and evil. Well, that’s why you never judge a book by its cover. I couldn’t but smile. When we finally stop the car, I see we are at a cute little Italian restaurant. I try to open the my door but it wouldn’t budge. Did he lock me in? What the hell? Niall comes around to my door and helps me out. “Niall, table for two.” He tells the hostess. “Right this way.” She says leading us to our table. She keeps looking back a Niall. If she looks back one more time I’ll, wait what. Why do I care?  She seats us at a table in the back. Thank god it’s a booth. I hate restaurants that have hard chairs, they are so uncomfortable. I slide into the booth, “Scoot over love, I’m not sitting alone.” Niall winks. I do as I was told. “If you guys need anything else let Addison know, she’s going to be your waitress tonight.” The hostess says giving Niall a wink. Niall acts like he didn’t see her, even though I know he did. “So babe, how old are you?” “I’m 19.” I say. “20.” He says pointing at himself. Phew. “Hello, I’m Addison and I’ll be your waitress tonight can I get you guys started with drinks?” A women says. I look at her up and down. She has pink hair. Strange but she can pull it off. She also has a nose piercing and just like everybody I already met she has tattoos but not that many. “Water for me please.” I say. “Can I get a beer.” Niall says. “Of course Niall. I.D. please.” She says winking at Niall. He chuckles. “Just kidding babe. I’ll be right back with your drinks.” She says and leaves. “You know her.” I say shocked by what just happened. “Yeah, of course I know Addison. She’s a really good friend of mine. Plus, we’ve screwed around a lot.” He says naturally. Wow. I’m still shocked. “Oh.” Was all that could leave my lips. “Jealous babe?” Niall asks, a grin spreading across his face. “What no.” My voice alitle shake. Fuck. I’m definitely nervous. “So. You sleep around a lot don’t you?” I ask. But I already know the answer. “Quite a bit. Especially with Alex.” He says smirking. “Alex. You’ve got to be kidding me.” I say rolling my eyes. “Why don’t you like her?” “She told m-. Never mind.” I was about to tell him what Alex told me about the bet but I stopped .myself. “No. Don’t Never mind me.” Niall says. “No its nothing.” I say and smile. “Ok.” He says harshly, not meeting my eyes. Addison comes back and gives us our drinks and takes our order. I order the spaghetti and meatball special and Niall orders the Lasagna. I love Italian food. Niall stops ignoring me and we get to know each other better while we wait for our food. 20 minutes later and a waiter comes by with our food. He sets a pizza down in front of me. Um ok. I’m pretty sure I didn’t order a pizza. Niall seems to understand my confusion. “She ordered the Spaghetti, not a pizza.” He says rudely. “Oh I’m sorry.” The waiter says taking my plate. Before I could say anything Niall decided to, “Better fucking be.” He mutters. The waiter hurries away. “You didn’t have to be so mean.” I say looking down. He scoffs. “He shouldn’t have gotten your order wrong.” Several minutes pass and Niall hasn’t touched his food. “You can eat you know.” I say. “I’m waiting for you to get your food.” He mumbles. Right on cue Addison comes back with my new plate of the correct food. “I’m so sorry. Here’s your real dish. Enjoy!” She says warmly. I give her smile and dig right in. *** The food was amazing, like a gentlemen Niall paid for my dinner and dessert. God, I really need to work out. 2nd part of the date Niall took me to the movies, so here we are in a barely crowed movie theater watching god knows what. Some guy just got shot. That has to be the most interesting thing to happen in the movie so far. Niall pulls a classic fake yawn and lays his arm around my shoulders pulling me into him. I take a deep breath and his cologne ignites my nostrils. He smells so damn good. Loud gun going off makes me jump. “You scared love?” Niall chuckles but has a hint of concern. I nod. Niall pulls just a little bit closer to him if that’s possible.

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