Chapter 7

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*** I make it back to my room safely. I can’t handle going to the rest of my classes today. When I check my phone I see I have several messages.

From: Niall

Jade. Please. Let me explain. I don’t know why I said that to you in the alley.

From: Zayn

Hey Jade. Are you okay?

From: Harry

Hey Babe(: There’s a party tonight same place as Friday. Save me a dance;)

A party does sound good right now. I only text Harry back.

To: Harry

Can you pick me up at 7?

He texts me back with a yes. Maybe I should give Harry a chance. I need to sleep. All this shit has tired me out. I take off my clothes and slipped a oversized sweatshirt over my head, I climbed into mind and sleep took over as soon as my head hit the pillow. I’m awaken from my dream by a knock on my door. Shit what time is it? It’s 6:45. Fuck I slept that long? I opened my door and Harry was standing in the doorway. All of sudden his mouth drops. His eyes burning into my lower half. What? I look down and notice I’m only wearing the huge sweatshirt.  I give a smirk and I open the door more so he can squeeze through. As soon as I shut the door, he backs me against the wall. “Jade, you’re killing me.” His raspy voice echoes through my ears. I push him off of me. “I need to get ready.” I go to my closet and pull out a strapless black dress and some black heels. I turn around to find an amused Harry siting on my bed. I lift the sweatshirt off my head and walk towards my dresser, I unclasp my bra and I hear Harry gasp. I put on my only strapless bra and slip on the dress. I turn around to find Harry sitting crossed legged. I can’t help but laugh. Guys are such pigs. I touch up my makeup and take my hair out of the very messy fishtail braid. My hair still looks good. So that’s good. I don’t bother bringing my phone or bag with me. “Ready?” I ask Harry. “Babe, you look stunning.” He says eyeing me up and down. I blush and lock my door. We get to the party at 7:13. It more crowded than the last party. When we make it inside, everyone stops and stares at us. “Why are they staring at us?” I ask looking up at Harry. “Cause your hot. And they thought you were Niall’s.” “Niall’s what.” I ask once everyone goes back to what they were doing. “Usually when one of us guys sleeps with a girl the other guys can’t touch her.” He explains. Oh. Wow.  “Can you get me a drink.” He demands. I nod, making my way to the kitchen. I pour Harry and I a drink from the keg. “Jade. I didn’t think you would come.” Niall says coming up behind me. I recognize his voice anywhere. It’s that accent of his. “Yeah well.” “Can we talk?” He asks. I nod, not wanting to talk. He leads me outside. There was barely anyone out here. “Jade, listen. What I said in the alley. I don’t know why I said it. You’re not my type at all. But that’s what I like about you. I don’t know what it is, but I want you. And you’re not hot. You’re beautiful. You’re not like the other girls.” He says looking me in the eyes. I completely forget about the bet. I lean in and kiss him. His tongue begs for entrance and I let him in. Someone clears their throat and he breaks apart looking in the direction of the person. I follow his gaze. Fucking Alex. “Niall, what the hell?” She squeals. “Sorry Alex. I was talking to Jade.” “Sure you were just talking. Come on lets go.” She pulls him up by his collar, he mouths a sorry to me but I just look away. He did it again. This is how it’s gonna be. “Hey! Your the girl that was at the restaurant with Niall on Sunday!” A girl with pink said coming out of nowhere. What is with people popping out of nowhere? Wait I know her, she was our waitress! What was her name? Um, Abby? No, it was Addison! “Addison right?” I ask. “Yes that’s me!” She giggles. “Jade.” I smile. “That’s a pretty name!” “Thanks.” I smile again. She seems so cheery and fun. I’m beginning to like her. “Mind if I sit?” “No go ahead.” “So you and Niall huh?” “What no. That was a one-time thing. I think.” “He seems to really like you.” “Really? I thought him and Alex.” “Him and Alex? Oh god no. She’s so annoying and so attached. God, she’s a bitch.” “She is a bitch.” I mutter. “Oh god what did she do?” I’m not sure if I should tell her what Alex told me. “She told me to back off of Niall. That he’s hers.” “What!? God. No one likes her!” “Then why do they keep her around?” “Cause the guys say she’s a good screw. Typical guys.” She rolls her eyes.  “Do you have any guys that you got your eye on?” I ask changing the subject. “Well.. I like Louis. Do you know him?” “Louis! Aw. Yes I know him. He’s really nice.” “Oh I know. He’s so hot too.” She gushes. “Well, I’m gonna go get another drink. I’ll see you later.” I tell her and walk back inside. Shit. I forgot to give Harry his drink. Harry. I fill up two cups again and try to find Harry. After a couple minutes of searching I finally find him dancing with some chick. She was really grinding on him. I waved him over and he trotted over. “Here.” I say handing him his drink. “What fucking took you so long?” He asked clearly mad. “Sorry.” I mumbled. “Better be.” He walked back to that chick he was dancing with. Guys truly suck. I am bored as fuck. Taking chances I walked to the dance floor and just started dancing. My hips swaying to the beat of the music. I suddenly felt hands being placed on my hips. I whipped around to face a guy I didn’t know. He was actually really good looking. “Hey sexy. I’m Drew.” He said over the music. “I’m Jade.” I shouted. He took my hips and pushed me against him. I didn’t like the physical contact. I tried to push him off me but he grabbed my wrists. “Let go of me!” I yell. He only tightens his grip. “I like fighters.” He laughed. “You’re hurting me.” He brought my hips roughly onto his. “Stop.” I yell louder than expected. “Didn’t you hear her? She said stop!” I hear someone scream. Drew pushes me off him and I land on the ground. Everyone is still dancing, they don’t even notice me. Someone helps me up, and I almost scream before I see it’s Niall helping me up. Niall pushes us past people. He ends up taking us to his car. “Get in car.” He demands. I oblige. He starts the engine as soon as he gets in. “Are you okay?” He asks concerns. “Yeah. Just shaken up.” “I’ve should have stayed with you. This wouldn’t have happened.” He mutters slamming his hands against the steering wheel. “Niall. Calm down. It’s not that big of a deal.” “Not that big of a deal? He could have hurt you damn it. And if he would have. I...I would lose it.” He yells. “Why?” “Jade. You’re not just a pretty face. I want you. It’s driving me crazy. And we met just a few days ago. You already have a strong effect on me. And frankly it’s scaring me.” He says. Wow. Did I hear him correctly? “This isn’t like me” He mumbles.

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